.NET Blog

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Our Summer Internship on the .NET Team

This post was written by Microsoft Explorer interns Daniel King, Zoë Petard, and Jessica Petty and highlights their project & experiences this summer working on the .NET Roslyn team. We loved having them this summer! Roslyn Diagnostic Analyzer Tutorial Tired of frustrating compile-time errors? Analyzers can examine code as you type...

.NET Core Open Source Update – February 26, 2015

It has been a couple weeks since we last reported on the .NET Core open source project. It's been a very fun time, watching more people get involved in the project and to see progress on a daily basis. It's amazing watching my GitHub news feed. I have to scroll through several page views just to get through the last hour (on a weekday) of ...

CoreCLR is now Open Source

We’re excited to announce that CoreCLR is now open source on GitHub. CoreCLR is the .NET execution engine in .NET Core, performing functions such as garbage collection and compilation to machine code. .NET Core is a modular implementation of .NET that can be used as the base stack for a wide variety of scenarios, today scaling from console ...