Cesar de la Torre

Principal Program Manager at the Azure team.

Optimistic Concurrency Updates using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications (Part 2)

This is my second post about "Updating data using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications". If you wanna read the basics, go to my first post here: http://blogs.msdn.com/cesardelatorre/archive/2008/09/04/updating-data-using-entity-framework-in-n-tier-and-n-layer-applications-short-lived-ef-contexts.aspx So!, I finished my first ...

Updating data using Entity Framework in N-Tier and N-Layer Applications (short lived EF contexts) – (Part 1)

First of all, we are talking about using Entity Framework and how it fits within N-Tier and N-Layer applications, ok?, that’s our initial scenario. An N-Tier application is an application where you have 3 or more physical tiers. I mean with that things like, “Presentation/Client Tier”, “Application/Business Server Tier” and “Data ...