C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Memory Profiling in Visual C++ 2015

As announced in an earlier blog post, Visual Studio 2015 hosts a new set of memory profiling tools to help address and fix memory issues within your applications.  The new debug-time profiler runs during your debugging session and allows you to take snapshots anytime, such as at a breakpoint, and also view the heap contents ...

Do You Prefer Fast or Precise?

What is this Blog About? My name is Jim Hogg, a Program Manager in the Compilers team. We would like your feedback on a feature of the Visual C++ compiler that affects the code we generate for floating-point operations. Your answers will help determine what we do. You can vote via survey -- it should not take you more than a few minutes to ...

/Debug:FASTLINK for VS2015 Update 1

We have made some changes with respect to /DEBUG:FASTLINK starting with Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP.  /DEBUG:FASTLINK  is aimed at improving link times for the incremental developer loop inside Visual Studio and for medium to large size projects provides ~2x gains. The linker is currently involved in the PDB generation process ...

Debug Visualizers in Visual C++ 2015

When debugging your native applications, it is often useful to view the values of the objects in memory in a specific way, whether that be with custom string formatting, or even performing an operation on the data to make it more meaningful and easy to interpret.  Since VS2012, Visual Studio had provided the .natvis visualizer format for ...

Rejuvenating the Microsoft C/C++ Compiler

点这里看中文版 Our compiler is old.  There are comments in the source from 1982, which was when Microsoft was just starting its own C compiler project.  The comments of that person (Ralph Ryan) led me to a paper he published in 1985 called “The C Programming Language and a C Compiler”.  It is an interesting ...

The Visual C++ team is at CppCon 2015

Are you in town to attend CppCon this week? It's going to be an exciting week in C++ and especially exciting for the Visual C++ team! We've got a dozen talks scheduled that discuss everything from the ideas we're proposing to help move the language forward to amazing new functionality we're adding in Visual Studio.Visual Studio 2015 includes a...

C++ Packaging Technology Survey

Another Friday, another survey.We get it. Surveys can be annoying (but not our survey). But they can also be a good way to help us understand larger patterns around a feature, scenario or experience. Hence the onslaught of surveys (including this survey). We do promise to share some of our insights from the data -- common themes and challenges...

Not Using Visual Studio 2015?

We would love to know more.(Yes, it is a survey and no, it should not take more than 15 minutes and yes, we would love for you to opt-in and share your experiences...

New in VS 2015: Expanded PGO Options

We’ve blogged before about the benefits of Profile Guided Optimization. One of the biggest pieces of feedback we’ve received is that the instrumented binaries are too slow – making it very difficult to train certain classes of applications, such as games.This is something we’ve tried to address in VS 2015 – there ...

GCC / LLVM edit/build/debug survey

You, blog readers, are kind enough to answer our surveys and often provide extended feedback through individual conversations. Continuing to depend on your feedback and kindness, we are sharing another survey:The purpose of this survey is to gain a greater understanding of developers using GCC and LLVM based compilers either targeting Windows ...