C++ Team Blog

The latest in C++, Visual Studio, VS Code, and vcpkg from the MSFT C++ team

Asynchronous Operations in Windows 8 with the Parallel Patterns Library (PPL)

The Concurrency Runtime team is working on the next generation of the Parallel Patterns Library (PPL) that will help you consume asynchronous operations in your apps using a simpler development model than the one Windows 8 has built-in as part of its Windows Runtime.In that sense, they recently published a blog post explaining the rationale ...

Building Metro Style Apps with C++ and JavaScript

(image) Hi, I’m Raman Sharma, a Program Manager with the Visual C++ team. As seen a few weeks ago at //BUILD, in the next version of Visual Studio you’ll be able to create Metro style app with Javascript. But this doesn't mean that Javascript is the only language you can use. There are several reasons to leverage compiled code as ...

C++11 Features in Visual C++ 11

UPDATE - March 2, 2012: the range-based for-loop and override/final v1.0 have been implemented in VC11 Beta. There's a new C++ Standard and a new version of Visual C++, and it's time to reveal what features from the former we're implementing in the latter!Terminology notes: During its development, the new C++ Standard was (optimistically...

First Look at the New C++ IDE Productivity Features in Visual Studio 11 (Cont’d…)

Hi! I am Amit Mohindra, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team. Earlier in the month my colleague Sumit Kumar had talked about some of the exciting IDE features in the next version of Visual Studio. Today I will just add to that list a few more features that we have done in the next version of the IDE to help you be more productive.  ...

C9::GoingNative: Visual C++ Upcoming IDE Demos, a CRT Talk and More!!

(image) Greetings! Charles Torre and I came back with the second episode of Channel 9 Going Native –which is actually episode 1, considering that C++, as a C-like language, starts indexing from 0. This time we follow up from a recent article that my colleague and friend Sumit Kumar (Program Manager in the Visual C++ team) wrote last ...

First Look at the New C++ IDE Productivity Features in Visual Studio 11

(image) Hi! I am Sumit Kumar, a Program Manager on the Visual C++ team. Today I will talk to you about some of the exciting new IDE functionality in the next version of Visual Studio that will make you, the C++ developer, more productive with your daily code focused tasks. In this blog post you will get a preview of the new features ...

GoingNative: a New Channel 9 Show Dedicated to Native Development

(image) GoingNative is a new, monthly show on Channel 9 dedicated to native development and native developers, with an emphasis on modern C++. In our inaugural episode, we keep things light and easy as we introduce you to what we're doing, why we're doing it, and how it will go down. The main goal of episode 0 is to introduce the cast of ...

Developing Windows Applications in C++ (Articles Series)

(image) We got just published “Developing Windows Applications in C++”,  an article series created by C++ Most Valuable Professional Kate Gregory. This material is aimed at C++ developers who want to learn how to write Windows applications. It won’t teach you C++, or how to use Windows as an end user. But if you know C...

Container Pretty Printer – Advanced STL, Part 6

In Part 6 of my second video lecture series focused on the Standard Template Library, I demonstrate how to write a "pretty printer" for STL containers that's capable of formatting a vector<tuple<int, string, int>> as [(1, "ten", 100), (2, "twenty", 200), (3, "thirty", 300)].  It's easy to use, with the default syntax being ...

C++ Q&A with Herb Sutter

Herb's last appearance on C9 was a relatively short chat about C++0x. You wanted more questions so Herb decided that the best way to get the questions you want asked is, well, to have you ask them. Most of the highest user-rated questions were asked and Herb answers with his usual precision. So, without further ado, it's C++ question and ...