Visual Basic Blog

A group blog from members of the VB team

New Async Programming Video's

Some great new video's on MSDN showing how to do async programming using the Async CTP. There are different versions of video's for both VB and C#.    This is a great opportunity to see the power of the new Async languages featuresand follow through a series of examples ...

Temperature Monitoring using VB.Net, Micro-framework and a Netduino

  Introduction As a bit of a geek, I like to tinker with basic gadgets. I often think of little ideas that would be great to implement but the device involves some hardware and very little software. As a software engineer I tend to think in terms of simple programs to but in order to implement something tangible would involve electronics...

Kinect SDK For PC – VB Samples available.

Today, Microsoft announced the Kinect SDK for PC  VB Samples are there at launch and available for downloading    ...

Micro-framework v4.2 Support for Visual Basic

The release of .NET Micro framework v4.2 Beta brings Visual Basic support for the .NET Micro-framework.     For those that have not heard of the Micro framework before “The .NET Micro Framework is .NET for small and resource constrained devices. It offers a complete and innovative development and execution environment...

VB Support for the XNA platform

  With the release of the Mango Toolset, Visual Basic support for XNA and Windows Phone has now been added. VB resources include VB XNA documentation and VB WP7 code samples and starter kits and this post is intended to walk you through some of the steps in creating a simple XNA application for Windows Phone 7 using VB.   What ...

Happy 20th Birthday Visual Basic!

Twenty years ago, May 20th, 1991 at Windows World, in Atlanta, Microsoft founder Bill Gates demoed Visual Basic 1.0. Twenty years later, the 10th version of this latest in an unbroken line of Microsoft BASIC languages stretching back to Microsoft’s founding is still going strong. When you look back over the history of a tool that’s...

Simultaneous Async Tasks (Alan Berman)

The new Async feature in the Visual Studio Async CTP (SP1 Refresh) provides an elegantly simple technique to make code asynchronous.Our writing team uses an internal app that would benefit from asynchronous calls.  For each URL contained in the MSDN documentation that we publish, the app lists the title from the link, and the title parsed...

The Temple of VB (Matt Gertz)

Hi, all!It's been a while since I've posted to this blog, and a lot has happened in my world since then.  Though I've been pretty busy on our engineering systems team, I took a little time off last summer to do some traveling and, more importantly, some long overdue writing.  Although I'd always enjoyed writing the "here's how ...

WebMatrix Series #1: How to Create Visual Basic Websites Using WebMatrix

  Microsoft WebMatrix is an exciting new product that makes the creation of custom ASP.NET Web sites possible without all the complexity of the full Visual Studio environment. WebMatrix supports web site development in both C# and Visual Basic. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to create VB websites using Webmatrix. Before ...