Developer Support

Advocacy and Innovation

Introdução ao Node.js

Segue um simples passo-a-passo para guiá-lo e ensinar como configurar sua aplicação Angular com Visual Studio Code e Node. Esse guia irá ajudá-lo a identificar o que instalar, quais comandos executar em PowerShell e alguns conceitos básicos de por onde começar a construir seu app usando Visual Studio Code.

Uncovering The Details Of Hosting a Node Application On Azure

I was recently working on a Node JS application and I decided that Azure was the right place for me to host my application as it made it extremely easy to deploy it to production. But shortly after deploying the application I started to have questions about some of the magic that Azure was doing to make everything “just work”. This post summarizes my journey in attempting to uncover some of the magic involved in hosting a Node application on Azure.