
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

[Tutorial & Sample] Using Parameter Alias to simplify the OData URL

Are you suffering from typing complex parameter values in URL? Or even make it worse you need to type it more than once? To solve this problem, now Microsoft.OData.Core.dll 6.0 supports parameter alias in request URL, such as: ~/People?$filter=LastName eq @name and contains(Description, @name)&@name=’Bob’ It is implemented by ...

[Tutorial & Sample] Containment is Coming with OData V4

Before OData V4, every entity set must be accessed from top-level even it is in a containment relationship with other set. For example, assume a schema where Order Lines (Type: “OrderLine”, EntitySet: “OrderLines”) live within Orders (Type: “Order”, EntitySet: “Orders”). Then, Orders have an “id” member that is the key, ...

[Tutorial & Sample] How to use OData Client Code Generator to generate client-side proxy class

Edited on July 09, 2014 by updating “Add OData Client Proxy File” for V2.0.0 and adding "Appendix" part. Please refer to "OData Client Code Generator 2.0.0 release" for V2.0.0 release notes Edited on Apr 29, 2014 by adding "Upgrade the Project Dependencies to the Most Recent Version" part. In this tutorial, you will generate an ...

[Tutorial & Sample] Use Singleton to define your special entity

Ever had a special entity where there can be only one of its kind, but bothered by having to define a one-element entity set for it? Ever wanted to request a special entity but bothered by needing to find out its key first? Use a singleton! Singleton is newly introduced in OData V4, to allow developers name such special entity, and it can be ...