
Create and consume RESTful APIs in a simple and standard way

JSON Light Sample Payloads

We recently put together a document that contains some of our thinking about JSON light as well as a whole slew of sample payloads. We would love to hear any feedback you have on the format; you can comment in the accompanying OneNote. We will be accepting public feedback on JSON light until May 4, 2012. We will also provide a preview release...

How to use WCF DS 5.0 in a Web Site project

The WCF Data Services 5.0 RTM release includes an update to the Add Service Reference behavior in Visual Studio. For most project types that target .NET Framework 4.0, this means that when you add a new service reference, you will automatically get assembly references to the new client assemblies, and your client will be able to communicate ...

Actions in WCF Data Services – Part 3: A sample provider for the Entity Framework

This post is the last in a series on Actions in WCF Data Services. The series was started with an example experience for defining actions (Part 1) and how IDataServiceActionProvider works (Part 2). In this post we’ll go ahead and walk through a sample action provider implementation that delivers the experience outlined in part 1 for the ...

What happened to application/json in WCF DS 5.0?

The roadmap for serialization formats We have been talking for a while about a more efficient format for JSON serialization. The new serialization format will be part of the OData v3 protocol, and we believe that the much-improved JSON format should be the default response when requesting application/json. You may notice that when you ...

Actions in WCF Data Services – Part 1: Service Author Code

If you read our last post on Actions you’ll know that Actions are now in both OData and WCF Data Services and that they are cool: “Actions will provide a way to inject behaviors into an otherwise data-centric model without confusing the data aspects of the model, while still staying true to the resource oriented underpinnings of ...

WCF Data Services 5.0 RTM Release

I’m very pleased to announce the WCF Data Services 5.0 RTM release. You can download WCF Data Services 5.0 from here. This release includes several client and server features and libraries for .NET 4 and Silverlight 4. Below is a brief breakdown of the features that are available in this release. Upcoming blog posts will dive into ...

Announcing OData T4 for C#, Preview 1

  I’m very excited to announce the release of OData T4 for C# Preview 1, for the October 2011 CTP of the next version of WCF Data Services libraries, with support for code generation of service operations. The goal of this T4 preview and subsequent ones will be to get community feedback on the templates before having “Add Service ...