Visual Studio Setup

Installation and containerization of the Visual Studio family of products

Why is My Feature Advertised?

If you're patching a feature or features of a Windows Installer package and see that a feature you know to be installed locally is now advertised, look for the following in your Windows Installer log:MSI (c) (B8:C0) [12:00:00:000]: SELMGR: ComponentId '{01234567-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF}' is registered to feature 'FeatureA', but is not ...

Error 2262: Not Necessarily a Fatal Error

Someone wondered if the following found in a Windows Installer log was indeed an error:MSI (c) (A8:A0) [14:38:51:427]: Transforming table Error.MSI (c) (A8:A0) [14:38:51:427]: Note: 1: 2262 2: Error 3: -2147287038Recall from Diagnosing Installation Errors that field 1 in the second line indicates the Windows Installer error. If you look that ...

Diagnosing Installation Errors

When problems occur when installing, repairing or patching, or uninstalling a product using Windows Installer technology, you need to be able to figure out what happened and why it happened. Dialogs that occur when the user interface is displayed can be helpful sometimes, but many times you need to look at a log to determine the exact cause of...

Logging for the New Patch Wrapper

One of several apparent improvements for the new patch wrapper is better logging support. More often than not if a problem occurred while trying to install the patch it was difficult to diagnose because there was no logs for the patch installation itself. A user would have to extract the .msp file and install it using msiexec.exe and pass ...