Tag Archives: Visual Studio 2008

FOLLOW UP: Developer Dinner on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Thanks to everyone who attended!  You can download the deck and links to the code here:


Normally, I make my actual demo code available for download.  However, this time around, my demo code was based on the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit.  I blogged about it here:


The kit has everything I showed in my demos and more!  I also promised to link to a bunch of good content out there on the various topics.


MSDN -> Data Platform Development

“How Do I?” Videos — Data Platform Development

ADO.NET Entity Framework

MSDN Library -> ADO.NET Entity Framework

ADO.NET Team Blog

Entity Framework Design Blog

Sample provider for Oracle

Third Party Provider Support for the Entity Framework RTM

Updated Entity Framework Samples for RTM

ADO.NET Data Services

MSDN Library -> ADO.NET Data Services Framework

MSDN -> ADO.NET Data Services

ADO.NET Data Services Team Blog

https://channel9.msdn.com/tags/UK/ Has a bunch of GREAT screencasts from Mike Taulty.

ASP.NET Dynamic Data

MSDN Library -> ASP.NET Dynamic Data


David Ebbo’s blog (Dynamic Data and other ASP.NET topics)



What’s New in .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (for WPF)

WPF DataGrid CTP Preview (Video)

cheat-sheet to some of the WPF 3.5 SP1 features..

WPF Control Toolkit (DataGrid CTP)


New WCF Features in 3.5 SP1

WCF Tools in VS2008 SP1: Introducing the new features and enhancements

Free training on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and ASP.NET MVC

Looking for free introductory training on the .NET 3.5 SP1 & ASP.NET MVC?  Head over to Jonathan Carter’s blog to get all the details on the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit RTM.  What will you find?  Information and links to download a kit that has presentations, demos, and labs covering what’s new in ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET Routing, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, ADO.NET Data Services, ADO.NET Entity Framework, WCF, and Visual Studio 2008 SP1.  If you’ve seen any of my 3.5 SP1 or my older "ASP.NET Futures" presentations, then you are already familiar with some of the content in the kit.  I used an early release of the kit as the foundation for some of my demos.  The kit has come a long way since I used it.  I skimmed through everything last week.  There is lots of good content in here!

Installing SQL Server 2008 RC0 & Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta on the same machine

I’ve been having some issues getting my VPC updated to SQL Server 2008 RC0 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta so I can record a couple screencasts on using Virtual Earth with SQL Server 2008.  I swear I read through the readme docs:).  However, I could not get Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to install.  I’m in the process of building a new VPC.  I probably should have done this in the first place since my original VPC had so much beta software installed (including the SQL Server 2008 Feb CTP).  Before I tried to install either, I decided review the readme again and do some basic Internet searching before I started.  Turns out I should have searched around the first time.  There is a known issue related to the order in which you install the two.  I found the following entry in the forums:


which states:

"SQL Server Compact installation fails when the products are installed in the following order:
1. Install SQL Server 2008 RC0
2. Then install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta

The workaround for the issue is as given below:
1. Install SQL Server 2008 RC0
2. Go to the Add/Remove Programs
3. Uninstall SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Query Tools Beta and SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Beta
4. Install Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta
5. Install SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Query Tools Beta (SSCESqlWbTools.msi) from the folder – ServersSetup on the SQL Server 2008 RC0 installation media (CD/DVD/Layout)
6. Go to the Add/remove programs and verify that the following are installed:

a. SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Query Tools Beta;

b. SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Beta;

c. SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Design Tools Beta

The reason for the failure is that SQL Server 2008 RC0 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Beta install the same version of SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 Beta MSI’s. If SQL Server Compact is already installed on the machine SQL Server 2008 or Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Setup has to skip the installation. There was a bug in the Visual Studio Setup and it has been fixed. The fix will be available in the released version of Visual Studio 2008 SP1"

Hopefully this saves some headaches for anyone who is trying to install both on the same machine.

FOLLOW UP: Public Sector Developer Conference (Nashville, TN)

Thanks to everyone who attended.  Sorry about the overflow into the hallways.  There was much less dropoff between registration and attendance than we normally see.  Some of the content isn’t published yet.  Once it is, we’ll make sure to update this post with the appropriate links.

Building Rich Internet Applications Using Microsoft Silverlight 2

Building WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blenddeck, code

Data Access with Language Integrated Query

Overview of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 & ASP.NET MVC – deck, code

We also mentioned some downloadable tools that folks were interested in using.  Here are the ones I remember:

Visual LINQ (to SQL) Query Builder


If I forgot one, please let me know by posting a comment and I will update the post.  Thanks!


FOLLOW UP: Public Sector Developer Conference (Downers Grove, IL)

Thanks to everyone who attended!  Here are the links to the decks and code for the sessions.  I don’t have the content from the LINQ & VSTO sessions yet, but will update this post when I get them.  However, I did promise to have a post up this morning.

How Visual Studio Team System 2008 will benefit your organization?deck

Language Integrated Query (LINQ)

Overview of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 & ASP.NET MVCdeck, resources, code (links to a post explaining how to get the code I based me demos on)

Office Development with VSTO  and Office Open XML Format

If you are interested in other content, I have a list of recorded webcasts in My Recorded Webcasts list.  There is a session similar to Joel’s LINQ session that covers LINQ to SQL in a little more detail as well as other topics which might interest you.  You might want to check out My Screencasts as well. 

Free training on .NET 3.5 SP1

I just came across this update to the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit from Jonathan Carter.  If you’ve seen my ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview webcast and are looking for the code, then you will want to download the kit.  I used the kit as the starting point for my demos.  I do a few things differently here and there, but most of it is because I didn’t have time to show everything in 90 minutes.  As far as I can tell, everything that was in the extensions preview is in 3.5 SP1 except ASP.NET MVC which will be shipped separately.  The training kit offers a great way to get your hands dirty with the new stuff in 3.5 SP1.  Go get it!  Oh yea, I have also updated the deck from my webcast to reflect the changes.  I have also added a couple slides about what’s new in WPF & WCF.  You can download my new 3.5 SP1 deck here.

VS2008 / NETFX 3.5 SP1 Beta

If you keep up with multiple Microsoft technology bloggers, today is one of those days where you’ll see everyone posting similar posts:(.  Such is the nature of blogging.  I get to say what I want, but sometimes that means everyone else is saying the same thing.  Visual Studio 2008 and the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 Beta are out!  Here are some links to learn "what’s what" about SP1:

Scott Guthrie’s comprehensive post:




Brad Abrams’ has lots of screenshots of various features:


Technorati Tags: ,

UPDATED WORKAROUND: Intellisense for page level map variables using the Virtual Earth JavaScript Intellisense Helper

UPDATE: AH FOOEY!  I feel like a goof:).  Turns out my workaround DOESN’T WORK!!!  If you look at the logic from the original post, it makes sense that it wouldn’t work because “var map = new VEMap();” is before “var map = null;” and therefore you get Intellisense for null.  I swear it worked (giving me Intellisense for page level map variable in multiple functions) the first time I tested it.  I think I may have been a victim of the JavaScript Intellisense cache not having updated :(.  Nonetheless, I was so excited about it working, I jumped the gun with my original post.  Yes, I realize the last picture in the original post didn’t actually convey what I was trying to accomplish.  I showed the wrong scenario in my haste to get a blog post up.  Maybe if I would have shown the right scenario, I would have recognized the err of my ways:).  This entire post has been rewritten with my "plan B" workaround.

So I have been playing around with other approaches to the workaround described here.  The first thing I tried was:


On the surface, this seemed like a reasonable workaround.  However, there were still some scenarios where JavaScript errors would pop up.  For example, switching to 3D mode would cause the map control to raise an error:


A similar error would happen when you close the browser.  One could argue this annoyance is a small price to pay for JavaScript Intellisense for the map control:).  However, it is still very annoying.  Good news!  There’s a better workaround.  After fiddling with a bunch of ideas, I stumbled upon the following approach:


Everything JUST WORKS!  You get JavaScript Intellisense at design time and the map is null at run time until it is actually instantiated in pageLoad().  This makes for a nicer experience since you don’t have to put up with the annoying error messages or constantly comment/uncomment code to get Intellisense where you need it.  Of course, in production, you should replace the conditional logic with var map = null for your page level variable.

Interestingly enough, this approach works well in another scenario:


In this scenario you won’t get Intellisense for x above the if statement because Visual Studio does not perform return type analysis.  However, using the same trick, you can see that you get Intellisense after the if statement.  This makes life better in a number of scenarios.  However, it does litter your code a bit.  Use it at your discretion:).  One could write a little utility that scans .js files and removes these entries based on a regular expression.  Maybe we’ll look at writing something such a utility for our next release.

None of this is in the current release of the Virtual Earth JavaScript Intellisense Helper, nor is it in the updated code I recently blogged about at Updated Virtual Earth Map Control demo code.  However, I will get both updated in the coming days.  For the sample code, I will update the original blog post when I publish the updated code.  I will make sure we release a new version of the Intellisense helper with these changes soon.

Updated Virtual Earth Map Control demo code

UPDATE: I’ve updated the code to use the workaround described here.  If you downloaded this code before May 2nd, 2008 @ 7:30 PM EST, then you might download it again.  The URL is the same.

I’ve update my primary Virtual Earth (VE) map control demos. If you aren’t familiar with my VE demos, they are essentially all the samples from the Virtual Earth Interactive SDK redone in a Visual Studio solution. My directory structure maps almost identically to the steps treeview in the Interactive SDK:

 image image

Then, I sprinkle in a little ASP.NET AJAX and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) where these technologies can make building VE solutions easier. All you have to do is download the zip and you basically have the Interactive SDK code++.

Here’s what’s new in the updated code:

  • All pages use the 6.1 map control.
  • Cleaned up some AJAX code that still used really old previews from ASP.NET AJAX (Specifically Microsoft.Web.Preview.dll & Sys.Preview.UI scripts from the Microsoft AJAX Library).
  • Additional code cleanup.
  • All JavaScript files use the Virtual Earth JavaScript Intellisense Helper.
  • All JavaScript files have a reference to their corresponding .aspx page so we get full Intellisense for the Microsoft AJAX Library and any other additional .js files referenced in the ScriptManager.
  • 05 – Customize Shapes/CustomizeShapes.aspx.js has an example of how to restyle the VE InfoBox using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
  • 07 – Import Data/GeoRSS_Collections_KML.aspx.js shows how to import KML.
  • 08 – Custom Tile Layers/CustomTileLayers.aspx.js correctly shows the custom tiles. The web site is now configured to use a fixed port for the ASP.NET Development Server.
  • 10 – Route and directions/RouteDirections.aspx.js uses map.GetDirections() instead of map.GetRoute() since map.GetRoute() is deprecated. I also added a multipoint routing example.

You can grab the code here:
