Tag Archives: AJAX

FOLLOW UP: Developer Dinner on ASP.NET 4.0

digg_url = “http://blogs.msdn.com/devkeydet/archive/2009/02/19/follow-up-developer-dinner-on-asp-net-4-0.aspx”;digg_title = “FOLLOW UP: Developer Dinner on ASP.NET 4.0”;digg_bgcolor = “#555555”;digg_skin = “normal”;http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.jsdigg_url = undefined;digg_title = undefined;digg_bgcolor = undefined;digg_skin = undefined;

Thanks to everyone who attended!  You can find the deck and demo code here:


Slide 40 of the deck has links to get the demo code.  Once the next preview release of ASP.NET 4.0 AJAX is published, I will blog about where you can get the samples I demonstrated (DataView / Client Templates). 

I will try to get the recording of the developer dinner published within the next week.

VEToolkit: A must have for all Virtual Earth Developers!

digg_url = “http://blogs.msdn.com/devkeydet/archive/2009/01/27/vetoolkit-a-must-have-for-all-virtual-earth-developers.aspx”;digg_title = “VEToolkit: A must have for all Virtual Earth Developers!”;digg_bgcolor = “#555555”;digg_skin = “normal”;http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.jsdigg_url = undefined;digg_title = undefined;digg_bgcolor = undefined;digg_skin = undefined;

If you are building Virtual Earth solutions with the JavaScript control, then you absolutely have to download this toolkit.  Chris Pietschmann just announced the first official release.  Here’s how he describes the toolkit:

“The Virtual Earth Toolkit is a set of JavaScript-based Controls/Tools that Extend Virtual Earth with functionality that is commonly implemented, but hasn’t been implemented within the Virtual Earth JavaScript Map Control.
The Controls/Tools in the VEToolkit library are completely self contained, and don’t require the use of any other JavaScript library to use other than Virtual Earth 6.2 (current version). This allows you to use this toolkit along-side any other JavaScript library (jQuery, ASP.NET AJAX, etc.); plus you can make use of it with any server-side framework of you choice (ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, PHP, etc.).”

Details are at:


DevDinnerOnDemand: Overview of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

digg_url = “http://blogs.msdn.com/devkeydet/archive/2008/11/10/devdinnerondemand-overview-of-the-net-framework-3-5-sp1.aspx”;digg_title = “DevDinnerOnDemand: Overview of the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1”;digg_bgcolor = “#555555”;digg_skin = “normal”;http://digg.com/tools/diggthis.jsdigg_url = undefined;digg_title = undefined;digg_bgcolor = undefined;digg_skin = undefined;

With the .NET Framework 3.5 (the version native to Visual Studio 2008) coming up on its first anniversary, Microsoft is poised to release the first update to the framework in the form of Service Pack (SP1).  This Service Pack is unlike your standard Service Pack, in that it will introduce new features/capabilities to the .NET Framework.  Some of these features where originally planned to be in the initial release of the framework and others are features/capabilities added to enhance or further secure the core .NET Framework.  The August Developer Dinner is going to focus on some of the new features as well as a few of the new enhancements, to give you an introduction of the improved capabilities of the Microsoft Developer Platform.

What you will learn:

This evenings presentation will be a running stream of demonstration focusing on new features and functionality coming in the new Service Pack for several of the key areas of .NET Development today, including Web Development (ASP.NET), Database Development (ADO.NET), Web Services/SOA (Windows Communication Foundation) and User Experience (Windows Presentation Foundation).

You will see demonstrations that will include:

  • Making data access easier with the ADO.NET Entity Framework.
  • Exposing your data access layer using ADO.NET Data Services
  • Building “Data Entry” Web-based applications faster than ever using ASP.NET Dynamic Data.
  • Making AJAX Applications faster with script combining and easier with built in support for handling browser history (i.e. back/forward buttons).
  • How to achieve up to 40% faster startup performance for your WPF applications and further improve the startup experience using a splash screen.
  • Reducing the time it takes to deploy your WPF applications using the New .NET Framework Client Profile.
  • Build services faster using enhancements in WCF.

View Recording:


The follow up post for this developer dinner is http://blogs.msdn.com/devkeydet/archive/2008/08/21/follow-up-developer-dinner-on-net-framework-3-5-sp1.aspx.

FOLLOW UP: Developer Dinner on ASP.NET MVC

UPDATE: I had technical difficulties with the recording yesterday.  Therefore, we were unable to record the dinner.  However, I do plan on recording both last night’s presentation and the 3.5 SP1 presentation from the last dinner.  I hope to have them recorded and published some time soon.  Stay tuned.

Thanks to everyone who attended!  You can download the deck and links to the code here:


You’ll find the code for my ajax samples and links to other samples I showed there.  Normally, I write my own demos and make code code available for download.  However, this time around, most of my demo code was based on the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit.  I blogged about the kit here:


The kit has just about everything I showed in my demos and more!  I did make some updates to the training kit code to reflect ASP.NET MVC preview 5 and my own coding preferences.  However, I need to check with the team that built the training kit before I can share the code. 

I am also keeping a running list of ASP.NET MVC sites/blogs I follow:


Although it is already in the list linked to above, I want to call out Stephen Walther’s blog.  If you have a “How do I..” kind of question, chances are Stephen answers it on his blog.  

During the presentation, I called out a few specific urls:

ASP.NET Routing Debugger

ScottGu on ASP.NET MVC Preview 5 (validation is discussed here)

Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) Testability Guidance (for those of who want to stick with WebForms)

MVC Storefront 

Here’s a description of the MVC Storefront from the http://www.asp.net/mvc site:

“The MVC Storefront project documents the building of an Ecommerce application using ASP.NET MVC and Test-driven development. The goal of this starter kit is to introduce the development process of a large-scale application that goes beyond the typical demo or sample application and to create something applicable and reusable in a very open, transparent way.

Rob Conery has documented the development process on his blog and created a video series for many of the development steps. During the process Rob has solicited feedback from members of the community and also held design sessions with prominent Microsoft MVPs. The Project is ongoing and will update with each change in the MVC Framework.”

Tonight’s dinner in Reston, Va will be recorded.  I will try to make the recording available by Friday.

PARTNER DEVELOPER DINNER: Introduction to ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC)

Microsoft Developer Dinner Series for Partners


Introduction to ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC)

The "Same Event" on different days in DC and Virginia, pick one!



Registration Link



Wed. October 15th


Register for DC

Microsoft DC Office

5335 Wisconsin Ave., NW,

Washington, DC 20015

(Metro Red Line Stops below building, Parking under the Microsoft building will be Validated)


Thurs. October 16th


Register for Reston Virginia

Microsoft Innovation and Technology Center

12012 Sunset Hills Road, Reston, VA 20190


Introduction to ASP.NET Model View Controller (MVC)


Marc Schweigert

Developer Evangelist

Microsoft Public Sector Evangelism Team


ASP.NET MVC enables you to build Model View Controller (MVC) applications by using the ASP.NET framework. ASP.NET MVC is an alternative, not a replacement, for ASP.NET Web Forms that offers the following benefits:

  • Clear separation of concerns
  • Testability – support for Test-Driven Development
  • Fine-grained control over HTML and JavaScript
  • Intuitive URLs

What you will learn:

This session will be demonstration focused covering the fundamentals of the ASP.NET MVC framework.  You will learn how ASP.NET MVC differs from the current ASP.NET Web Forms framework.  Through a series of demonstrations, you will also see how ASP.NET MVC provides you with fine-grained control over HTML and JavaScript.

Who should come:

This is an opportunity to get ahead of the curve before ASP.NET MVC is released.  If you are someone who builds, architects, or manages development teams building Web Applications, this presentation is for you.

Attend this event for your chance to win an Xbox 360


Xbox 360 will be raffled at the conclusion of the dinner.

Your Opportunity to Provide Feedback!

If you are a developer or technology professional who works either directly or indirectly for the U.S. Federal, State, Local governments and educational institutions, please

read on.

Are you interested in sharing your thoughts regarding free Microsoft Public Sector developer online technology presentations? If so, please take 2-3 minutes to provide feedback regarding the type of application development oriented technical training that would be beneficial to you and your organization. Please click here to provide feedback.

Your feedback is highly valued. Thank you for your time.

RELEASED: Virtual Earth JavaScript Intellisense Helper for 6.2

Thanks to the quick effort from Chris Pietschmann, I am happy to announce that we have an updated version of the Virtual Earth JavaScript Intellisense Helper that is in sync with the update Virtual Earth Map Control 6.2.  You can learn more about what’s new in 6.2 at http://blogs.msdn.com/virtualearth/archive/2008/09/24/announcing-the-virtual-earth-web-service-and-virtual-earth-map-control-6-2.aspx

UPDATE: I wanted to also mention a special thanks to Nicolas Boonaert.  Chris wrote the updates, Nicolas performed QA/testing, and I packaged up the release.

If you aren’t familiar with the intellisense helper, here’s our description from CodePlex:

“The purpose of this project is to fully enable JavaScript Intellisense for the Virtual Earth Map Control inside of Visual Studio 2008.

Creating Microsoft Virtual Earth mashups and applications just got a whole lot easier. This JavaScript library enables Intellisense for the Microsoft Virtual Earth 6.2 (current release) AJAX control in Visual Studio 2008.”


You can download the helper at http://www.codeplex.com/VEJS/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=17699.

FOLLOW UP: Developer Dinner on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

Thanks to everyone who attended!  You can download the deck and links to the code here:


Normally, I make my actual demo code available for download.  However, this time around, my demo code was based on the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit.  I blogged about it here:


The kit has everything I showed in my demos and more!  I also promised to link to a bunch of good content out there on the various topics.


MSDN -> Data Platform Development

“How Do I?” Videos — Data Platform Development

ADO.NET Entity Framework

MSDN Library -> ADO.NET Entity Framework

ADO.NET Team Blog

Entity Framework Design Blog

Sample provider for Oracle

Third Party Provider Support for the Entity Framework RTM

Updated Entity Framework Samples for RTM

ADO.NET Data Services

MSDN Library -> ADO.NET Data Services Framework

MSDN -> ADO.NET Data Services

ADO.NET Data Services Team Blog

https://channel9.msdn.com/tags/UK/ Has a bunch of GREAT screencasts from Mike Taulty.

ASP.NET Dynamic Data

MSDN Library -> ASP.NET Dynamic Data


David Ebbo’s blog (Dynamic Data and other ASP.NET topics)



What’s New in .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 (for WPF)

WPF DataGrid CTP Preview (Video)

cheat-sheet to some of the WPF 3.5 SP1 features..

WPF Control Toolkit (DataGrid CTP)


New WCF Features in 3.5 SP1

WCF Tools in VS2008 SP1: Introducing the new features and enhancements

Free training on .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and ASP.NET MVC

Looking for free introductory training on the .NET 3.5 SP1 & ASP.NET MVC?  Head over to Jonathan Carter’s blog to get all the details on the .NET 3.5 Enhancements Training Kit RTM.  What will you find?  Information and links to download a kit that has presentations, demos, and labs covering what’s new in ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET Routing, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Dynamic Data, ADO.NET Data Services, ADO.NET Entity Framework, WCF, and Visual Studio 2008 SP1.  If you’ve seen any of my 3.5 SP1 or my older "ASP.NET Futures" presentations, then you are already familiar with some of the content in the kit.  I used an early release of the kit as the foundation for some of my demos.  The kit has come a long way since I used it.  I skimmed through everything last week.  There is lots of good content in here!

Virtual Earth ASP.NET Control Samples

John O’Brien, a Windows Live Developer MVP, has been cranking out samples of how to use the Virtual Earth ASP.NET Control.  He’s also blogging over at www.liveside.net now.  His latest post is titled Server Side Clustering and comes complete with videos!  John has also created a site where you can see his samples live and download all the samples at http://veasp.soulsolutions.com.au/.  He’s organized the samples in a similar fashion to the Virtual Earth Interactive SDK.  If you are leaning towards using the Virtual Earth ASP.NET Control, then you’d be silly not to check this stuff out!

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Building Virtual Earth applications just keeps getting easier

I’ve given a number of presentations on Virtual Earth development over the last couple years.  The first thing ASP.NET WebForms developers say to me is how bummed they are that they have to write JavaScript.  That’s understandable.  ASP.NET WebForms developers have come to expect server controls to do most of the heavy lifting for them.  ASP.NET AJAX introduced the UpdatePanel control which allows you to AJAX enable your applications without having to write a single line of JavaScript.  Yesterday, as part of the latest Windows Live™ Tools for Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 CTP, a new Virtual Earth ASP.NET control was released.  This is a sweet control that makes integrating Virtual Earth into your ASP.NET applications a easy as drag, drop, set some properties, and wire up some server side code.  The new control, which is built on top of ASP.NET AJAX, does all the heavy lifting you’ve come to expect from ASP.NET AJAX enabled controls.  ASP.NET AJAX also introduced the concept of control extenders.  Extenders allow you to add AJAX functionality to existing server controls.  The Virtual Earth ASP.NE T control ships with a ton of extenders that allow you to interact with the map without writing any code.  I had the luxury of getting early access to the bits.  I’ve taken the control for a thorough test drive.  I think ASP.NET developers are going to love this thing!  Chomping at the bit?  Have a look at http://dev.live.com/blogs/devlive/archive/2008/07/27/386.aspx to get an overview of the control, watch a video of how it works, and download the CTP.

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