Yearly Archives: 2011

OQuery – A fluent API to build OData url queries sans LINQ

Yesterday, I blogged about a solution to compose OData / WCF Data Service queries using LINQ for situations where LINQ enabled client libraries don’t exist (i.e. JavaScript and Windows Phone 7).

The post is all about using LINQPad as a tool to write your LINQ queries, then using the feature in LINQPad that gives you the url query translation.  Well today, a new MSDN Code Callery project just popped up called OQuery that offers another approach that doesn’t require using an external tool such as LINQPad:

Here’s the description from the project page:

“OQuery is a library which gives you a fluent style interface for building OData Url Fragments in javascript or C#.
Neither Javascript or Silverlight for WP7 support LINQ and so this library in those cases.”

What are you waiting for?  Go check it out!

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Data Services (OData) Client for Windows Phone 7 and LINQ


The WCF Data Services Team released a client library to make it easier to interact with OData services from Windows Phone 7.

The major caveat (and bummer) with the library is that “LINQ support in the client library has been removed as the core support is not yet available on the phone platform.”  I have a tip/trick for LINQ lovers like me that will allow you to still use LINQ query syntax to compose your query (kind/sorta).  A tool I find useful to when writing OData queries on Windows Phone 7 is LINQPad.  I use the tool to write LINQ queries against my data service, then get the url syntax query translated for me:


Once I get my LINQ query right, I just paste the http string into my app.  I’m still surprised about how many people aren’t aware of LINQPad.  You must check it out if you use LINQ in your day to day coding (which I am sure most of you do now).  You can learn more about using LINQPad against OData services (amongst many other uses) from the product site:

NOTE: This tip/trick is very useful when querying OData services from JavaScript as well.  Here are two helpful posts on using jQuery to interact with an OData service:

Hope this helps save you some time!

Follow devkeydet on Twitter