PDC09 Demo App: Tailspin Travel (Visual Studio 2010)

You can now download the Tailspin Travel application from Codeplex (download here).

System Requirements:   Tailspin was built using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, and there are a few features in use in the demo that require that version (e.g. coded-UI tests). If you’re using a different SKU, you’ll still be able to run the solution, but there will be some features you won’t be able to take advantage of. Because we consider the new Windows Server AppFabric a key part to the Tailspin Travel application, we also require that you have it installed. This is what enables the memory-caching, as well as the service/workflow containers, and monitoring support. SQL Server 2008 R2 isn’t a hard requirement, but if you don’t have it installed you won’t be able to deploy the Data-Tier Application (DAC).

Tailspin Travel

In addition to the features that were demoed at PDC keynote, the released version of Tailspin contains many additional scenarios to help developers see a broader view of possibilities with the respective technologies.