Running PHP Web Applications on Windows Servers? You Got It!

The Microsoft IIS product team has worked closely with the PHP scripting enginer creator Zend Technolgoies, to provide support for PHP applications running on the Windows platform.

  • Through the official release (free download) of Microsoft FastCGI Extension for IIS 6.0, Microsoft is for the first time providing hosters and PHP developers full support for a stack of technology that enables reliable, scalable PHP hosting on production Internet Information Services 6.0 Web servers. 
  • Windows Server 2008, which will be available soon, includes the FastCGI Extension as a completely integrated feature of Internet Information Services IIS 7.0. The new modular architecture introduced in IIS 7 will provide additional functionality to PHP applications by enabling them to take advantage of new managed code services.

For more information on IIS support for PHP, check the IIS web site at, and listen to a conversation with the IIS product team at Channel9 at