Search for the currently-selected string without bringing up the Find window

Keyboard:  CTRL + F3 (forward); CTRL + SHIFT + F3 (reverse)
Command:  Edit.FindNextSelected; Edit.FindPreviousSelected
Versions:  2008,2010
Published:  1/16/2010
Code:  vstipFind0003


Ever just want to find the next (or previous) instance of a word without all the UI hassles?  Here is what you do:

  1. Put the cursor in any word you want to look for:

  2. Hit CTRL + F3 (forward) or CTRL + SHIFT + F3 (reverse) to start a find.

    You will also see something like this at the bottom left-hand corner of the IDE:

    NOTE:  As you can see the find has certain setting already in place:  It is case-specific, searches hidden text, and only looks in the current document.

  3. Now that you have started the Find, you can just press F3 (forward) or SHIFT + F3 (reverse) to navigate further.