What Should I Do With This Blog?


So, in between vacuuming to make the wife happy, petting one of four dogs that we have, and working on my commitments for the year--something occurred to me:

Anyone who knows me knows that I try to be open and honest about stuff and today is no exception.  I was looking at my posts and thinking that I have never really asked what the folks reading this thing would like to see.  I have always taken the approach that I do the "technical stuff" on the road and in my webcasts then use this as a vehicle to drive awareness of those things.  Is that what you want to see?  Should I put technical articles on the blog as well?  Let me know your thoughts.  So many blogs that I see (except for the rockstars like ScottGu) really don't have people saying anything on them.  I dig interaction and certainly welcome any thoughts.  I try to post something at least once or twice a week but sometimes fall shot (June is a stellar example).  So get those opinions in and let me know what you would like to see out of this blog.