Visual C# Express Edition SP1 Released and Windows Vista Update in Beta!

Michael Klucher
Program Manager – XNA Game Studio

We thought these two great releases for Visual C# Express were worth passing on. The first is the final version of Visual C# Express Edition SP1, which has been released on the Microsoft Download Center. You can get it now by clicking here. We highly recommend that you upgrade to the latest service pack for Visual C# Express. If you're confused by the download options, the file you want is called VS80sp1-KB926749-X86-INTL.exe.

Also released today was the Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista Beta, which builds on the improvements made in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 and delivers an improved user experience for developers using Windows Vista.  If you're interested in giving this beta a try, you can download it here. Please keep in mind that the Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista Beta requires SP1 be installed first, so make sure you’ve installed that from the first link above.

We have not tested extensively with the new Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 Update for Windows Vista Beta, so we cannot guarantee full functionality with XNA Game Studio Express. If you are running Windows Vista and want to try this beta software, we’d love to hear your feedback if things work better for you. Remember to submit your feedback through Microsoft Connect.

Reminder:   Because XNA Game Studio Express is not yet supported on Windows Vista, you may run into issues that prevent you from working normally or prevent you from working at all.