Try Visual C# Express SP1 Beta

Michael Klucher
Program Manager - XNA Game Studio

Like testing software? Want to help make XNA Game Studio Express as great as it can be? The Visual Studio team recently announced the availability of Visual C# Express SP1 Beta, designed to add stability to the product and fix some of the issues that didn't make the first release.

You can sign up for the Visual C# SP1 Beta by clicking this link and joining the program on Microsoft Connect if you don't wish to join the Connect program you can download the beta directly from here. Joining the Connect program has the benefit of being able to look at current issues and file new ones if you run into problems.

We think that you'll notice a more stable environment using the new beta with XNA Game Studio Express. If you do find any issues with the beta or have any suggestions, please let us know using Microsoft Connect for Visual C# Express SP1 Beta. If you have trouble using it with XNA Game Studio Express, please let us know as well.

Thanks for giving the beta a try and letting us know how it works for you!