SQLXML 4.0 Not Installed in SQL Server 2008

Prior to SQL Server 2008, SQLXML 4.0 was released with SQL Server and was installed by all SQL Server editions, except in SQL Server Express. Beginning with SQL Server 2008, the latest version of SQLXML is no longer included in SQL Server.

When SQL Server 2008 is generally available, the latest version of SQLXML will be SQLXML 4.0 SP1. The URL for the site where you can install SQLXML 4.0 SP1 will be added to this blog entry, and to the SQL Server 2008 Books Online, when SQLXML 4.0 SP1 is available.

If an application that requires SQLXML 4.0 will run on a computer where SQLXML 4.0 is not installed, you will need to download and install SQLXML 4.0 SP1.

SQLXML 4.0 SP1 Behavior with New Data Types Using SQLOLEDB and SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider

SQL Server 2008 introduces the following data types, which developers using SQLXML might want to use:

· Date

· Time

· DateTime2

· DateTimeOffset

When using SQLXML 4.0 SP1 with either SQLOLEDB (from Windows Data Access Components, formerly Microsoft Data Access Components) or SQL Server Native Client OLE DB from SQL Server 2005, these new types will appear as strings to a developer. SQLXML 4.0 SP1 will enable these four new data types as built-in scalara types when used with SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider 10.0 (SQLNCLI.10), which ships in SQL Server 2008. Until you download SQLXML 4.0 SP1, mapping these types to non-string types might cause truncation of some data. For example, mapping DateTime2 to xsd:date will cause data to be truncated to the SQL Server 2005 DateTime precision of 3.33 miliseconds.

David Schwartz

Programming Writer, Microsoft