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Introducing Microsoft Ribbon for WPF

They say that a picture speaks a thousand words. So here are some to whet your appetite. Read next post to get started using the WPF Ribbon. Pete Brown's blog post about the WPF Ribbon makes an interesting read as well.

WPF Ribbon Application VS 2010 Project Template

WPF Ribbon Application Blend 4 Project Template

Simple WPF Ribbon Application UI built using the Project Template


WPF Ribbon Window Item Template

WPF Ribbon elements in the VS Toolbox

Edit Ribbon element properties in VS Property Editor


Office Word like UI using WPF Ribbon

Office Word like UI in a WPF Browser Application

RibbonApplicationMenu in a WPF Ribbon

RibbonQuickAccessToolbar in a WPF Ribbon

RibbonContextualTabGroups in a WPF Ribbon

RibbonMenuButtons containing RibbonMenuItems

RibbonMenuItem containing RibbonGallery and RibbonMenuItems


RibbonSplitButton containing RibbonGallery and RibbonMenuItems

RibbonComboBox containing a RibbonGallery and previewing changes

RibbonGallery with filtering

RibbonGallery with hover zoom

RibbonGallery with resizing

RibbonTabs with scrolling

RibbonGroups with scrolling

Minimized Ribbon

Collapsed Ribbon 

Rich RibbonToolTips





WPF Ribbon under High Contrast settings


WPF Ribbon under Right-to-Left settings


Colorized WPF Ribbon



WPF Ribbon UI Automation Tree


Read next post to get started using the WPF Ribbon.