Keyboard Map for the Device Emulator

Here are some desktop keyboard shortcuts you can use on the Device Emulator. Learning these keys should make debugging your Windows Mobile applications a lot faster! If you're not a developer but simply interested in playing around with Windows Mobile, you can always download the free standalone emulator to take our OS for a test drive.

Pocket PC Device Emulator
Hardware Button: Maps To:
Soft Key 1 F1
Soft Key 2 F2
Volume Up F6
Volume Down F7
Action Enter
Back Backspace
Start Menu Windows key
1-9 (Phone Keypad) 1-9 (NOT NumPad)
A-Z A-Z (Keyboard)
Smartphone Device Emulator
Hardware Button: Maps To:
Soft Key 1 F1
Soft Key 2 F2
Talk F3
End F4
Volume Up F6
Volume Down F7
* F8
# F9
Action Enter
Back Escape
Home Windows key
1-9 (Phone Keypad) 1-9 (NOT NumPad)
A-Z A-Z (Keyboard)