Finding WiMo

It's been awhile since I've posted about WiMo.  I can probably blame the summer most for that since the Seattle summers are so nice!  There's just no excuse to be inside during the nice days of summer.  Now that it is getting dark earlier and the weather is getting colder, I've been able to work on play with WiMo more often.

I've posted some new stuff on the site:

  • Assembly instructions for WiMo NXT
  • Updated source code.  One code base for all WiMos now!
  • MSDN Style Documentation on the WiMo APIs (These are the common libraries that I've created while working on WiMo.  Even if you aren't interested in creating a robot, you might want to check these out as they can be useful in other scenarios).
  • A short video that demonstrates WiMo NXT

I also wanted to allow Wimo to run on a wider variety of Windows Mobile devices (older and newer).  With the new code update, WiMo now has the option of WiFi or Bluetooth to communicate with the controller PC (or other Windows Mobile device).  So, if you'd like to build a WiMo, but don't have a device that has WiFi, now you can!   

-- Brian