The NEWS is back for Visual Studio 2015

imageThe Why the Visual Studio NEWS extension is nothing to ignore or sneeze at post introduced a really cool Visual Studio Extension. Fortunately Utkarsh Shigihalli and Tarun Arora have upgraded and released the extension for Visual Studio 2015, which means that I can monitor the Visual Studio Updates, Visual Studio Service and ALM Ranger news in Visual Studio.

The News for Visual Studio 2015 version 1.0 has a minor gremlin which I failed to notice during the user acceptance testing …SORRY guys! The ALM Rangers blog still points at my personal (this) blog and not our new visualstudioalmrangers team blog. The two Rangers will probably release an update shortly Smile

Update 2015.08.19 – The gremlin above has fixed in v1.1 already and even introduced the “all” category filter. Cool!