FAQ (2) – What is the Rangers HOL Package all about?

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Q: What is the Rangers HOL Package all about?

The HOL acronym stands for Hands-On-Lab, which can also be thought of as a guided walkthrough.

When the Rangers develop a HOL, they have to develop not only the HOL, but also a HOL Package. In essence the life of a HOL typically includes:

  1. Design of the HOL
  2. Development of the HOL
  3. Review and Testing of the HOL
  4. Development of the HOL Package
  5. Review and Testing of the HOL Package
  6. Inclusion of HOL on Rangers Base Virtual Machine
  7. Inclusion of HOL Package in Rangers VM Factory Task Sequence

Steps 1 – 5 are typically owned and completed by a feature area or Epic team within a Rangers project. Steps 1 to 3 are concerned with the design, development and testing of the HOL … out of scope for this discussion.

During step 4 the  team develops a HOL package, which includes the following:

  • Prerequisite software and installation instructions

  • Prerequisite reference solution (optional), for example a sample application (Tailspin,. Simple Calculator, …)

  • One PowerShell script that creates the environment needed by the HOL, for example adding user accounts, creating team projects and checking in code.
    Here is an example from the database guidance HOL:

        1: # Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
        2: # This code released under the terms of the 
        3: # Microsoft Public License (MS-PL, https://opensource.org/licenses/ms-pl.html.)
        4: #
        6: function SetupHOL
        7: {
        8:  $currentLocation = Get-Location
        9:  $tempLocation    = Get-content env:tfspowertooldir
       11:  if(!("C:\HOL\DataDude\HOLSetup\Install" -eq $currentLocation))
       12:  {
       13:    "Please run script from C:\HOL\DataDude\HOLSetup\Install"
       14:    return
       15:  }
       17:   # Create logs directory if does not exist
       18:  if ((Test-Path -path c:\HOL\Logs\) -ne $True)
       19:  {
       20:    New-Item c:\HOL\Logs\ -type directory
       21:  }
       23:  Set-Location $tempLocation
       25:  #Create team project with tfpt
       26:  Write-Host -Object:"Creating TeamProject DatabaseProjectGuidance"
       27:  Write-Host -Object:"============================================"
       28:  .\TFPT.EXE createteamproject /settingsfile:'C:\HOL\DataDude\HOLSetup\Install\DatabaseProjects.XML'
       29:  #waitForKey
       31:  $tempLocation    = Get-content env:vs100comntools
       32:  Set-Location $tempLocation
       34:  #Create Workspace
       35:  Write-Host -Object:"Create Workspace BuildAndDeploy"
       36:  Write-Host -Object:"==============================="
       37:  ..\IDE\TF.EXE workspace /new BuildAndDeploy /noprompt /collection:https://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
       38:  ..\IDE\TF.EXE workfold  /map $/HOL_DatabaseProjects 'C:\HOL\DataDude' /workspace:BuildAndDeploy
       39:  ..\IDE\TF.EXE workfold  /unmap $/
       41:  #Create the VC space as per HOL
       42:  Write-Host -Object:"Checkin code"
       43:  Write-Host -Object:"============"
       44:  ..\IDE\TF.EXE add       'C:\HOL\DataDude\BuildAndDeploy/AdventureWorksDB' /recursive
       45:  ..\IDE\TF.EXE checkin   'C:\HOL\DataDude\BuildAndDeploy/AdventureWorksDB' /comment:'HOL Automated Checkin' /recursive /noprompt
       47:  Write-Host -Object:"Create drop share for TeamBuild and assign rights"
       48:  Write-Host -Object:"================================================="
       49:  Remove-Item -Recurse -Force "C:\Drops"
       50:  md C:\Drops
       51:  net share Drops=c:\Drops
       52:  "/GRANT:Everyone,FULL"
       54:  Set-Location $currentLocation
       55: }
       57: #displayWelcome    
       58: SetupHOL

The following image shows a typical layout of a HOL package:

  1. Each HOL has an optional directory which contains stuff such as source code. In this case we have two HOLs for this specific project, namely CustomActivity and DeployWeb.
  2. HOLSetup directory is standard and contains the PowerShell script.
  3. README file contains instructions on how to install this specific set of HOLs

If we drill further into the HOLSetup directory we get:

  • SetupHOL.ps1 Powershell script is standard and is responsible to setup and configure the HOL prerequisite environment.
  • The two XML files are configuration files for the TFPT utility called in the script to create two Visual Studio Team Projects. There can be zero or more of these configuration files hiding in this directory, one for each Team Project to be created.

Note that the Rangers Base VM has a C:\HOL directory which accommodates all the HOL packages. The following shows the current C:\HOL home on the Rangers Base VM image (v2.3): 

  1. README file contains instructions on how to install all HOLs
  2. SetupHOL_All.ps1 is a PowerShell script that strings together and executes all HOL SetupHOL.ps1 scripts.
  3. One directory for each HOL, a logs directory which contains setup log files and a prerequisite software directory into which we drop all prerequisite software and installation instructions

Once step 5 has been completed by the package is forwarded to the VMFactory team, which adds the HOL to the current Rangers Base image. At this stage we are running the HOL Package PowerShell scripts manually (step 6), but in future releases of the VM Factory this will be tied into the overall base image task sequence (step 7).

Why invest in the HOL Package?

  1. It standardises and automates the HOL prerequisites environment using simple technology and processes.
  2. It allows us to automate the creation of all HOLs using the Rangers VMFactory (Codeplex).
  3. Most importantly, it allows those that do not have access to our base image or want to use their own, to quickly and consistently setup the HOL in their environment.

How do I use a HOL Package?

Firstly you need to determine if you have received a project specific HOL Package, or a complete HOL Package. The former is typically distributed as part of Rangers projects on Codeplex, whereas the latter is made available on request or as part of the VMFactory.

Project Specific HOL Package
  • Copy/Extract the C:/HOL/* path of the package to C:/HOL
  • Locate the HOLSetup directory.
  • Read the _README_FIRST.txt file
  • Install and configure all prerequisite software
  • Execute the SetupHOL.ps1 PowerShell script, unless instructed otherwise in the README.
Complete HOL Package
  • Copy/Extract the C:/HOL/* path of the package to C:/HOL
  • Read the _README_FIRST.txt file in C:\HOL
  • Install and configure all prerequisite software
  • Execute the SetupHOL_All.ps1 PowerShell script in C:\HOL, unless instructed otherwise in the README.