How do I find the Visual Studio ALM Rangers “Nuggets”?

In a discussion with our Rangers Lead, Bijan, I realised that there are many ways of finding information on the Rangers and their solution.

What are the various options that I am aware of?


  1. Search for ALM Rangers in Bing.
  2. Note that the top result is “Visual Studio ALM Rangers | MSDN”. Click on the hyperlink.
  3. You land on the Rangers MSDN page, which contains pointers to the Rangers Solutions, Codeplex, Rangers blog and other channels.


  1. Search for ALM Rangers in Google.
  2. Note that one of the top result is “Visual Studio ALM Rangers | MSDN”. Click on the hyperlink.
  3. You land on the Rangers MSDN page, which contains pointers to the Rangers Solutions, Codeplex, Rangers blog and other channels.


  1. Search for ALM Rangers in
  2. You are rewarded with a list of all the Rangers solutions on Codeplex.

Rangers Blog

  1. Visit
  2. Find the Visual Studio ALM Rangers Home hyperlink in the right navigation pane under Blog – Link List. Click the link.

MSDN Rangers Home Page

  1. Remember and browse to the URL or
  2. You land on the Rangers MSDN page, which contains pointers to the Rangers Solutions, Codeplex, Rangers blog and other channels.

… so, which is the recommended option? As with everything else in IT is “depends”. My personal preference is the last or first option, because the MSDN Rangers Home Page is the gate to all other channels and being on MSDN is our official gateway :)

We are working on ways of making it easier to reach our landing page and reducing the options of channels and the various treasure maps to get to the same information. Watch the space …