Using the Visual Studio 2010 Power Tools and PowerShell to reduce the brain-numbing setup work

If you, like the Visual Studio ALM Rangers, create a lot of hands-on-lab (HOL) content you will be familiar with the brain-numbing setup work to create team projects, create workspaces, check-in code, branch and create work items. One of the initiatives we have been working on is trying to get to a point where we can run one script and setup all Rangers HOLs on a virtual machine … and we are getting close.

Branching Guidance HOL Extract

We create a team project and setup a number of user rights, whereby the Team Foundation Server Power Tools April 2010 come into play on line 105:

    1: # Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
    2: # This code released under the terms of the 
    3: # Microsoft Public License (MS-PL,
    4: #
    5: #<#  
    6: #.SYNOPSIS  
    7: #   This script configures the enviroment for the hands on labs scenarios.
    8: #    It is only intended to be run after the TFS enviroment is fully configured.
    9: #
   10: #.DESCRIPTION  
   11: #    This script performs the following steps:
   12: #     1) Creates the sample users
   13: #     2) Adds the sample users to the correct TFS groups
   14: #
   15: #.NOTES  
   16: #    File Name  : 3-hol.ps1  
   17: #    Author     : VSTS Rangers 
   18: #    Requires   : PowerShell V1
   19: #
   20: #.LINK  
   21: #   This script posted to:  
   22: #        https://??? 
   23: #    License:
   24: #
   25: #> 
   28: function createUser([string]$accountName, [string]$password, [string]$name) 
   29: {  
   30:         # create user
   31:     $computer = [adsi] 'WinNT://localhost'
   32:     $user = $computer.Create('User', $accountName)      
   33:     $user.SetPassword($password)
   34:     $user.SetInfo()         
   35:     $user.FullName = $name
   36:     $user.put('UserFlags',65536 -bor 64)
   37:     $user.SetInfo()         
   39:     # add user to Remote desktop group to allow RD access
   40:     net localgroup 'Remote Desktop Users' $accountName /add
   42:     # add user to Power Users group to allow them to logon locally on TR images
   43:     net localgroup 'Power Users' $accountName /add
   44: }
   46: function createSampleAccounts
   47: {
   48:     createUser 'michaf' '#############' 'Michael Affronti (PM)'
   49:     createUser 'aprist' '#############' 'April Stewart (Dev Lead)'
   50:     createUser 'dorikr' '#############' 'Doris Krieger (Dev)'
   51:     createUser 'abuobe' '#############' 'Abu Obeida Bakhach (Dev)'
   52:     createUser 'chriko' '#############' 'Christine Koch (Tester)'
   53:     createUser 'chriba' '#############' 'Chris Barry (Business Stakeholder)'
   54:     createUser 'robiwo' '#############' 'Robin Wood (End User)'
   55: }
   57: function addToTFSGlobal([string]$accountName, [string]$groupname ) 
   58: {  
   59:     $currentLocation = Get-Location
   60:     Set-Location 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools'
   61:     .\tfssecurity /g+ $groupname n:$accountName /server:localhost
   62:     Set-Location $currentLocation
   63: }
   65: function addToTFSProject([string]$accountName, [string]$groupname, [string]$collection = '', [string]$targetProjectName = '') 
   66: {  
   67:     $target = ''
   68:     if ($targetProjectName -ne '')
   69:     {
   70:         $target = '[' +$targetProjectName + ']\' +$groupname
   71:     }
   72:     else
   73:     {
   74:         $target = $groupname
   75:     }
   77:     if (!$accountName.Contains('\'))
   78:     {
   79:         $accountName = $hostname + '\' + $accountName
   80:     }
   82:     $currentLocation = Get-Location
   83:     Set-Location 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Tools'
   84:     $argument = 'https://localhost:8080/tfs/' + $collection
   85:     .\tfssecurity /g+ $target n:$accountName /collection:$argument /server:$hostname
   86:     Set-Location $currentLocation
   87: }
   89: function addSampleAccountsToGroups
   90: {    
   91:     addToTFSGlobal  'michaf' 'Team Foundation Administrators'
   92:     addToTFSGlobal  'aprist' 'Team Foundation Administrators'
   93:     addToTFSProject 'michaf' 'Project Administrators'   '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   94:     addToTFSProject 'aprist' 'Project Administrators'   '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   95:     addToTFSProject 'dorikr' 'Contributors'             '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   96:     addToTFSProject 'abuobe' 'Contributors'             '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   97:     addToTFSProject 'chriko' 'Contributors'             '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   98:     addToTFSProject 'chriba' 'Contributors'             '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
   99:     addToTFSProject 'robiwo' 'Readers'                  '/defaultcollection' 'BranchingGuide'
  100: }
  102: function SetupHOL
  103: {
  104:  #Create team project with tfpt
  105:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.EXE' createteamproject /settingsfile:'C:\HOL\Branching Guidance\HOLSetup\Project_Branch.XML'
  107:  createSampleAccounts
  108:  addSampleAccountsToGroups
  109: }
  111: Write-Host -Object:""
  112: Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -Object "Setting up the Branching Guidance HOL Environment"
  113: Write-Host                      -Object:"-------------------------------------------------"    
  114: SetupHOL

TFS Integration Platform HOL Setup Script Extract

Apart from creating a number of team projects (excluded in the extract), we also check-in code … the PowerTools assist us on lines 9-11 and 32.

    1: # Copyright © Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
    2: # This code released under the terms of the 
    3: # Microsoft Public License (MS-PL,
    4: #
    6: function SetupHOL
    7: {
    8:  #Create team project with tfpt
    9:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.EXE' createteamproject /settingsfile:'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\HOLSetup\Project_TP-A.XML'
   10:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.EXE' createteamproject /settingsfile:'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\HOLSetup\Project_TP-B.XML'
   11:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.EXE' createteamproject /settingsfile:'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\HOLSetup\Project_TP-C.XML'
   13:  #Create Workspace
   14:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workspace /new TP-A /noprompt /collection:https://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
   15:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workfold  /unmap $/
   16:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workspace /new TP-B /noprompt /collection:https://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
   17:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workfold  /unmap $/
   18:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workspace /new TP-C /noprompt /collection:https://localhost:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection
   19:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workfold  /unmap $/
   21:  #Create the VC space as per HOL
   22:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' workfold  /map $/TP-A 'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A'  /workspace:TP-A
   23:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' add       'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Main'         /recursive
   24:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' checkin   'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Main'         /comment:'HOL Automated Checkin' /recursive /noprompt
   25:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' branch    'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Main’         ‘$/TP-A/Dev’
   26:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' checkin   'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Dev'          /comment:'HOL Automated Branch' /noprompt
   27:  copy 'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\HOLSetup\Raw\HelloWorldDemo' 'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Dev' -recurse
   28:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' add       'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Dev\HelloWorldDemo'     /recursive
   29:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\tf.exe' checkin   'C:\HOL\TFS Integration Platform\Source Code\Demo\Sandbox-A\Dev'          /comment:'HOL Automated Checkin' /recursive /noprompt
   31:  #create workitem
   32:  &'\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools\TFPT.EXE' workitem /new TP-A\Bug /Fields:"Title=Change the string goodbye world to hello world;Assigned To= Administrator" /collection:'https://localhost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection'
   33: }
   35: Write-Host -Object:""
   36: Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -Object "Setting up the TFS Integration Platform HOL Environment"
   37: Write-Host                      -Object:"-------------------------------------------------------"    
   38: SetupHOL

What does a typical XML file look like as referred to in the branching script when creating a team project?

    1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    2: <Project xmlns="ProjectCreationSettingsFileSchema.xsd">
    3:     <TFSName>https://LocalHost:8080/tfs/defaultcollection</TFSName>
    4:     <LogFolder>c:\HOL\Logs</LogFolder>
    5:     <ProjectName>BranchingGuide</ProjectName>
    6:     <ProjectSiteTitle>Visual Studio 2010 Branching Guidance</ProjectSiteTitle>
    7:     <ProjectSiteDescription>Visual Studio 2010 Branching Guidance</ProjectSiteDescription>
    8:     <SccCreateType>new</SccCreateType>
    9:     <SccBranchFromPath></SccBranchFromPath>
   10:     <ProcessTemplateName>MSF for Agile Software Development v5.0</ProcessTemplateName>
   11: </Project>

While we still have to sanitize and cleanup the scripts … an initiative that the South-African Rangers are focused on … we can now run a script, go away for coffee and return to a fully configured Rangers Base HOL image.

imageThat’s productive (more coffee/hour) and practical!