Does anyone recognize the Team System MVP, enjoying his sabbatical under the liquid sun?

Robert arrived on Tuesday this week to start his three week sabbatical with the Visual Studio ALM Rangers, first visiting the Microsoft Canada Development Centre and Redmond during week 3.

The objective of this sabbatical is to bring external Rangers closer to the Ranger and product team environment, improving collaboration, awareness and allowing Rangers, such as Robert, to focus on a specific Ranger deliverable.

P1150001   Today, like the days before, the sabbatical started with the bus ride from Ladner to MCDC ...
imageDuring the day Robert loves his Dr. Pepper ...

Why “liquid sun”, well so far the weather conditions have been cool temperatures and drizzle ... which can be daunting for the sun loving South-African :)
imageimage … no idea why Robert is cold, because we are having fairly winter warm days :)

Watch Robert’s blog at for an insight from his perspective into the sabbatical journey.