Chatter – Bowen island … a small treasure island

After the first Christmas in Canada, which we spent with family and friends, we spoilt ourselves with a hiking day to Bowen island yesterday. Get up early, snooze for 2 hours on the bus, 1/2 hour on the boat and then  step onto Bowen island. We enjoyed breakfast in a coffee shop run by South-Africans, then hiked through the forest and along the lakes.


It was relaxing and we were all able to re-charge our batteries.

In the coffee shop we also met an artist who enjoyed his day by drawing faces. Perhaps you will recognise the chap below.

Willy-Peter Schaub Drawing … as per the artist on Bowen island the next party will be new years!

Have a safe and successful jump into the new year! We will be back … in 2010 :)