VSTS Rangers Process Improvements - We have listened to your feedback! Part 1 of 3

A while ago we ran a satisfaction survey with the active external (outside of Microsoft) VSTS Rangers to determine their satisfaction and definition of importance in terms of process suggested and previously introduced improvements. The results were both very positive … but, in isolated cases also negative. The former is obviously exciting, but the latter both concerning and constructive, as it allows us to act.

clip_image001 … we are mostly concerned with moving somewhat satisfied and dissatisfied VSTS Rangers to the very satisfied category.

We have listened to your feedback and are in the process of implementing VSTS Rangers project process enhancements to make “your” VSTS Rangers life easier and improve overall “transparency”. So what are the three imminent changes?

Change #1: Unified VSTS Rangers Extranet Team Site

Problems we have all encountered in my own words, based on feedback:


  • What is our team site URL again?
  • How do I get access to our team site portal and others?
  • Why can I see the one project, but not the other?
  • Would it not be great to be able to see what others are doing and share content?
  • ... and many more. Silver Business People Connected By Atoms, Symbolizing Teamwork, Brainstorming, Creativity And Ideas Clipart Illustration Image

… we are one :)

Our answer

  • With most new VSTS Rangers projects we will not create a unique extranet team site portal for each VSTS Rangers project, but share one common extranet team site portal amongst active VSTS Rangers projects.
  • Once a VSTS rangers projects matures and moves to Codeplex, it will be removed from this “work in progress” team site. This ensures that you have to remember one URL, that you have a common landing page for work in progress and that you have an insight and ability to share content from other VSTS Rangers initiatives.


  • How do you get access to this site?
    When you join any of the new VSTS Rangers projects, you will automatically receive access.
  • What happens with the current active VSTS Rangers team sites, such as Branching Guidance and TFS Integration Platform?
    We have decided to leave all the current VSTS Rangers projects where they are, but to add a link to the home page of the new VSTS rangers active projects site.

… next, we will introduce the second imminent change.