VSTS Rangers Projects – Who are the contributors

A questions I get again and again are “what are VSTS rangers” and “who contributes to the VSTS Rangers projects”?
Blue Genie Man Emerging From a Golden Lamp With Question Marks Clipart Illustration

The “what are… ” question is easy … refer to the ‘delegate post’ VSTS Rangers … positioning the rangers and projects.

The “who contributes … ” is the really exciting question, because by answering it, we can emphasise our vision for transparency, for including the VSTS MVPs (our exceptionally passionate and competent VSTS ambassadors) and more recently some of the community leads from South-Africa from the SA Developer and SA Architect communities. The contributors are made up as follows:

VSTS Rangers Project Team = Bijan (project manager) + VSTS Core Rangers + VSTS Extended Rangers + VSTS MVP + Other MVP + Community leads

  • VSTS Core Rangers are currently made up of Microsoft engineers.
  • VSTS Extended Rangers are currently made up of Microsoft engineers and VSTS MVPs.

The following graph show the breakdown in terms of MVPs and Community Leads:

imagesa-architectMVP_Horizontal_FullColor_2 SADeveloper

It is really exciting to see the growing numbers of community contributors, i.e. 20 VSTS MVPs, 3 SA community leads and 2 other contributors. These contributors are sharing their passion for VSTS, their knowledge and most importantly “their personal” time to the VSTS Rangers projects, which are crucial stop gap and value-add solutions to the VSTS community at large.

Apart from active contributors, we also have a number of champions assisting us behind the scenes, such as Charles, Sharon and Neeraj Elkunchwar.

We are T-1, i.e. one day, away from one of the new VSTS Rangers project being kicked off. The others are scheduled for T-6, after which they will appear one by one!