VSTS Rangers Projects – Project Announcement: TFS 2010 Upgrade Guide

CLIPART_OF_27034_SMJPG_thumb2Pramod is heading up this exciting project.
Pramod Vasanth

Included in this post is the vision and the objective of the project, whereby I am more than happy to discuss more details with you if needed. For the sake of text re-use, all text indicated in italic has been copy-pasted from the project announcement emails from Bijan:


Create best practice guidance to upgrade customers to VSTS 2010


The migration story for process templates and reports will not cover all special customer environments. This project addresses the broad topic of Migration and focuses especially on process template, Reports, and Enhanced TFS Management (ETM).

The team, made up of VSTS Core, VSTS Extended Rangers and Team System MVPs who are not yet Rangers, working on this project is phenomenal and we are looking forward to keep you informed with the progressed of this project in the future.