VSTS Rangers Projects – New Guidance Packages Posted!

Great news has just dropped into my mailbox! Text in italic was cut+pasted from the email to promote text re-use :)

 In the last couple of days, Rangers shipped important guidance packages for MOSS TFS development. For maximum reach, we have simultaneously posted to the Team System Home and

Application Lifecycle Management Resource Center for SharePoint Server .

The two whitepapers are:
Clipart Illustration of a White Employee Seated At A Wooden Desk And Using A Laptop While Doing Paperwork At The Office

  1. VSTS Rangers - SharePoint Server Custom Application Development: Document Workflow Management Project
    Read about the real-world design, construction, and deployment of a custom SharePoint Server 2007 application to a mid-market enterprise customer using Team Foundation Server as an ALM platform.

  2. VSTS Rangers - Using Team Foundation Server to Develop Custom SharePoint Products and Technologies Applications
    Learn how to use TFS to support your SharePoint application development, and provide an integrated development environment and single source code repository for process activities, integrated progress reporting, and team roles.
    The first article is created during a real world customer engagement and answers dozens of frequently asked questions and how-tos in a real world context vs. theoretical discussions. The 2nd package addresses very common questions around setting up and using TFS features for a MOSS development project.

Combined with the following guidance from P&P posted here , we have a good and almost complete story for our customers and partners. The two teams worked together to align these stories.

patterns & practices: SharePoint Guidance

The SharePoint Guidance contains a sample implementation of an intranet application based on SharePoint Server 2007 that demonstrates solutions to many ALM challenges.

Kudos to Eric who is a VSTS Core Ranger and owned the dev lead role in both Ranger projects.

Well done guys!