.NET Blog

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Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 RC

Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 RC I’m excited to show the new features of the ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 RC. Click here to download and install the Visual Studio 2013 RC today. Please check http://www.asp.net/vnext for release notes, documentation, and tutorials. This blog includes ...

“Enable Edit and Continue” debugging option is now on by default for new web applications in VS2013 preview

In VS2010 and VS2012, the edit and continue option is disabled by default when creating a new web application project. In VS2013 preview, we turned it on by default. You can find this option on the Web tab in the web project’s properties window.   (image) With “Enable Edit and Continue” on, the VS debugger starts your...

Introducing $select and $expand support in Web API OData

Last week Microsoft released the preview of Visual Studio 2013, and along with it came the ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013 Preview. In this new release, we are expanding the OData support in Web API to include support for $select and $expand, two of the most popular OData query operators. In this blog post...

Understanding OWIN Forms authentication in MVC 5

Overview The new security feature design for MVC 5 is based on OWIN authentication middleware. The benefit for it is that security feature can be shared by other components that can be hosted on OWIN. Since the Katana team did a great effort to support the OWIN integrated pipeline in ASP.NET, it can also secure apps hosted on IIS, including ...

Manage CORS policy dynamically

Brief We introduced CORS support in ASP.NET Web API a few months ago. Out of the box it supports configuring CORS policy by attributes. It is a very intuitive and powerful way but lacks flexibility at runtime. Imaging your service allows a 3rd party to consume your service. You need the capability of updating the allowing origins list without...

Make VS2012 MVC4 VSIX template to work for Visual Studio 2013 preview

Visual Studio 2012.2 supports customized MVC4 template, you can get a walkthrough here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/yjhong/archive/2012/12/13/custom-mvc-4-template-walkthrough.aspx or http://www.asp.net/mvc/overview/getting-started/custom-mvc-templates. But the created template VSIX file cannot be uploaded to VS Gallery at the time. Starting ...