.NET Blog

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Building Browser Link extension in Visual Studio 2013

Browser Link feature in Visual Studio 2013 provides APIs for you to write your own Browser Link Extension. To take a look at some of the extensions, you can download Web Essentials for Visual Studio 2013 RTM. In this blog, I will give you a step by step overview of the various APIs that we provide. You will need the following to start with...

A High-Value, Undocumented LESS Editor Feature in Visual Studio

Recently a very valuable, undocumented feature in the Visual Studio LESS editor came to my attention. This applies equally to Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 and later, and to Visual Studio 2013. The installation of Web Essentials is not required to benefit from this feature.The Visual Studio LESS Editor respects @import statements, and can ...

Web publishing updates for app offline and usechecksum

In Visual Studio 2013 we have added a couple of small features for web publishing that I’d like to share with you. Those updates are; how to take your app offline during publishing and how you can update the default file compare option. App offline support In Visual Studio when you publish your web application we do not force the remote ...

Announcing release of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013

I’m excited to show the new features of ASP.NET and Web Tools for Visual Studio 2013. Visit Somasegar’s blog for details on Visual Studio 2013 RTW. Download Visual Studio 2013 to try out the new features in this release. Read the Visual Studio blog for information about general editor enhancements, including the preview time ...

HTML Editing Features in Visual Studio 2013 RC

Several interesting features have been added to the new HTML editor in Visual Studio 2013 RC since the VS 2013 Preview release. See HTML Editing Features in Visual Studio 2013 Preview for a rundown of the Preview features. CSS Class and ID IntelliSense In the Preview release, the new HTML editor did not implement CSS Class IntelliSense, ...

Attribute Routing changes for ASP.NET Web Stack shipped in VS2013 RC

For the VS2013 Preview release, we published two articles about Attribute Routing for Web API 2: · http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/attribute-routing-in-web-api-2 · http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-routing-and-actions/create-a-rest-api-with-attribute-routing The VS2013 RC release includes ...

Web Publish how to automate multi-project publish with file system

The other day I received an email from a customer with a question which I’ve summarized as below. I have a solution containing multiple web projects. One of the projects, _RootSite, is the top level website which I want to publish. It’s an MVC project. I also have other web projects in the same solution. These other projects are apps ...

Creating New Windows Azure Web Site from Visual Studio 2013 RC

We are now making it easier to create a new Windows Azure Web Site from Visual Studio 2013 RC. This feature can be accessed from the Web Sites sub node under the Windows Azure node in Server Explorer. You would need to install Azure SDK 2.1 before you can use this feature. You can follow these steps to create a new Windows Azure Web Site. 1. ...

What is new in Browser Link with Visual Studio 2013 RC?

Over the last few months, the Browser Link team has worked on delivering these new features in the Visual Studio 2013 RC release: For those who are not familiar with Browser Link, please look at our introductory blog here. Browser Link Dashboard The Browser Link Dashboard is a tool window in VS that shows all active browser link ...