Microsoft TechEd Europe 2012: Registrujte se nyní a získejte slevu!

12 sekcí, více než 400 vysoce technických přednášek, živé diskuze, hands on labs – to vše a mnoho dalšího nabízí konference Microsoft TechEd Europe 2012. Letošní ročník se koná v Amsterdamu ve dnech 26.-29.6.2012. Využijte jedinečné příležitosti, zaregistrujte se do konce března a získejte slevu 300,- EUR!

Více informací a registraci naleznete zde .


TechEd Europe has a wide range of education opportunities and the 12 tracks will help you navigate the sessions based on your interest. Learn shortcuts, glean real-world guidance and get product roadmap details from Microsoft and industry experts.


Join us on Monday, 25 June for in-depth content available exclusively to those who register for PreCons—they will not be made available online.


Not only will you get great content and speakers, you'll also get access to the technologies and opportunities to meet one-on-one with Microsoft product experts and fellow professionals at our ancillary activities. Here's just a sampling of some of the special events planned for TechEd 2012:


SPECIAL FILM SCREENING Monday: Sit back and relax with some movie snacks and beverages as we roll CTRL+ALT+COMPETE, a look at the competitive startup and emerging business scene through five founders and their teams.


WELCOME RECEPTION Tuesday: Check out solutions and services from Microsoft partners and meet with the Microsoft product groups in the TechExpo Hall.


DELEGATE PARTY Wednesday: Mingle with your fellow attendees and countrymen and take in the Amsterdam experience along with some fun activities.


ASK THE EXPERTS Thursday: Meet one-on-one with Microsoft technology experts and peers to exchange feedback on technology trends and how to leverage these effectively in your business. 


Více informací a registraci naleznete zde .