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Visual Studio 2012 IDE shows “Failed to create a 'ImageSource' from the text '..ImagesMedium.png'. while accessing file New / file Open dialog boxes.


Recently we worked on an interesting issue with a new installation of Visual Studio 2012. Where the IDE would open but trying create a new project or opening an existing project using the File > Open menu would fail with error an error message. Trying to use the Key board shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N would show the same dialog box with the following error message.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Failed to create a 'ImageSource' from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'.


Note: Most of the error message dialog boxes allow the txt to be copied. Just press Ctrl + C to copy the text and then paste in email or notepad.

In this scenario, customer had Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 installed on the machine earlier. Then he said Visual Studio 2012 was installed. It was working fine, until he installed the Office 2013.

Per discussion, the picture viewing software got affected. He mentioned that the Print Screen copy and paste into the MS word would not work etc.

While searching on the internet we came across the following two links.

On examining the computer we found that the computer had “FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 2.4” installed on the machine.

Latest version of the “FastPictureViewer” mentioned here on the web site is “FastPictureViewer” 3.4.

We discussed about the issue and as it was not very clear how this “FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 2.4” got installed on the machine. As there was no requirement we decided to uninstall the Viewer.

That required the machine to restarted for clean uninstall.

Once the machine was restarted, the Visual Studio IDE 2012 issue was resolved. There were no error messages shown on the IDE start.

Possibly, installing the “FastPictureViewer Codec Pack 3.4” could also be able to resolved the issue if Code pack is need.

Happy coding!!