Arabic Visual Studio?

It’s been such a long time since my last blog entry but I’m finally back. I had a very long time Out Of Office (OOF), I really re-charged my energy but I’m swamped with work. So many things happened since my last blog. The launch of Windows Server, 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008 is in the coming few days. This will be the largest IT Pro and Developer outreach in the history of Microsoft!

 We finally released Visual Studio 2008 and we are now planning the next version of Visual Studio.

This is a critical time, my team is driving the initiative to enable creating an Arabic Language pack, so that the community can create an Arabic VS. This means that we can finally see an Arabic Visual Studio with Arabic menus & dlgs ... etc …

This might come up in the next version of Visual Studio and not Visual Studio 2008.

We aim to empower beginners to use VS and be productive, especially in schools and community colleges.

Please feel free to add your comments.