64-bit Windows, an advantage also for 32-bit applications

The easiest way to take advantage of a 64-bit OS is of course running existing – 32-bit – applications on the new platform. In earlier blogs I mentioned how easy it is and that even 32-bit application take advantage of the underlying 64-bit operating system. How? The 64-bit OS has way more headroom and resources at hand to support applications. And it does not matter if it is a 32-bit or a 64-bit application. Below table gives an overview of some of the internal data structures, buffers and tables and how they look like on a 64-bit system.

Architectural Component

Windows 32-bit

Windows 64-bit

Virtual memory

4 gigabytes (GB)

16 terabytes

Paging file size

64 GB

512 terabytes

Paged pool

470 megabytes (MB)

128 GB

Non-paged pool

256 MB

128 GB

System cache

1 GB

1 terabytes

System Page Table Entry (PTE)




It is pretty obvious that with these vast resources available the OS can perform better, especially under heavy load from many concurrently running apps (32-bit and 64-bit). Of course only if you have installed the enough memory J.


Another cool story for 32-bit apps on 64-bit Windows is a flag in the executable’s exe file header. Under 32-bit Windows a program has access to up to 3 GB of memory (assuming the /3GB switch is used in the boot.ini file).  For the same app, running on a 64-bit Windows up to 4 GB of RAM are immediately available if this flag is set. /LARGEADDRESSAWARE is the flags and does the magic. The Platform SDK and other development tools form Microsoft ship with a program called editbin. Editbin executed against the 32-bit executable file with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag enables the 32-bit application to use up to 4 GB on 64-bit Windows.
You can try this “at home”. Write yourself a simple app that malloc’s as much memory as possible and display the amount of allocated memory. Run it with and without the flag set. Amazing.



