Visual Studio Team Services Extensions from the Rangers

With the Extensions feature going live this week as per the announcement during Connect, the VS ALM Rangers have been busy creating extensions. We have a total of 11 extensions that made it into the Visual Studio Team Services Marketplace when it launched, of which 4 are published under Microsoft DevLabs and the rest as community extensions. Here’s a little bit about them…

A list of DevLabs extensions:

Folder Management Create new folders from the code explorer within the Team Web Access. Team: Wouter de Kort & Abel Wang
Print Cards Print cards from your backlog for use on a physical scrum board. Team: Gordon Beeming (@GordonBeeming) & Robert MacLean (@rmaclean)
Test Case Explorer An extension to explore test cases. Team: Mattias Sköld & Mathias Olausson (@molausson + blog)
Work Item Visualization Visualize relationships between work items from within the work item form. Team: Taavi Koosaar (@melborp + blog + GitHub + email:

A list of Community extensions:

Scrum Report Scrum report for your daily scrums. Team: Mikael Krief & Vlatko Ivanovski
Enhanced Export Export work item queries and test plans to word direct from the web, without client installs and moving templates files between computers. Team: Mattias Sköld
Requirements Integrator A requirements management and integration tool for Visual Studio Team Services. Team: Josh Garverick
State Model Visualization Add the ability to view the state model for a selected work item type. Team: Taavi Koosaar (@melborp + blog + GitHub + email)
Team Rooms Summary Shows a summary of the activity in all the team rooms that you are a part of. Team: Niel Zeeman (@teamfoundation + LinkedIn)
Toggl Button VSO and integration. Team: Gerson Dias

Welcome Email Send a welcome email to an individual or the entire team. Team: Niel Zeeman (@teamfoundation + LinkedIn)

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