Azure DevOps Blog

DevOps, Git, and Agile updates from the team building Azure DevOps

What are Your Top Tasks When Using Microsoft Developer Technologies?

If you're a current or potential Microsoft customer, please take this short, anonymous survey (10 to 15 minutes) to rank the importance of tasks that you perform when you use Microsoft developer technologies. Your feedback will help us create MSDN documentation that meets your needs. To provide feedback, go to the survey page. Thanks...

FAQ: Why are my tests not included in the test run?

As an alternative to Microsoft Test Manager (MTM), users can use tcm.exe command line to run and manage their test cases.  The command line way is particularly useful in running tests in non-interactive way (say via scripts). FAQ: While using “tcm.exe run” command to run all the test cases in a test plansuite is - A: By default...

How To: Associate automation programmatically

In my previous post, I mentioned about tcm testcase /import scenario.  The tcm testcase /import associates the test case artifact with automation (which is unit test or other test type). Another FAQ related to this scenario is - Q: How can I programmatically associate automation (because I want to do some customization of my own)? A: ...