Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to the Release to Manufacturing Version (RTM) of Team Foundation Server


Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to the Release to Manufacturing Version (RTM) of Team Foundation Server


Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to Team Foundation Server RTM involves many steps that include backing up data, running utilities to update your installation, and performing some manual steps to complete the process. When you upgrade, we recommend that you use the same user accounts that you used to install Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh.

This guide provides steps and guidance for completing each of these procedures on single-server and dual-server deployments in addition to guidance for verifying the success of the upgrade process.

Important   Read this guide carefully before you try to upgrade your installation of Team Foundation Server. Make sure that you follow the steps as they are listed in this guide. Performing upgrade tasks out of order or skipping steps can cause the upgrade to fail.

For additional guidance, information, and assistance, visit the Microsoft Web site (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=68&SiteID=1).

Changes to Team Foundation Server Between Beta 3 Refresh and RTM

There have been several changes to Team Foundation Server between Beta 3 Refresh and the RTM version. Most of these changes will be handled gracefully during the upgrade process, but some of the changes will affect customizations that you have made to Team Foundation Server in Beta 3 Refresh. If you want to keep these customizations, you must import them manually. These steps are documented in the Incorporating Customizations from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh into Team Foundation Server RTM section.

Additionally, your custom reports will probably not work with the new warehouse cube structure. You must modify them to account for these changes. The most significant of these changes occurs in the work item measure group. In Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh, most work item attributes were separate dimensions. In Team Foundation Server RTM, they are combined into a single work item dimension.

There will be two versions of the MSF for Agile Software Development and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement templates available on your Team Foundation Server after the upgrade, with very similar names. The new process template versions that have been updated with changes for Team Foundation Server RTM, have the version number (4.0) after their names so that you can tell what version of the process template you are about to use. For example, after you upgrade, you will have both the MSF for Agile Software Development and the MSF for Agile Software Development – 4.0 templates available on your Team Foundation Server.

Work items have also changed to use display names in various fields instead of user account names or aliases. Because of this change, you must update any work item queries that used aliases to search for work items.

Any work item changed e-mail alerts created by users will be nonfunctional after the migration from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to Team Foundation Server RTM. Users must manually re-create their alerts after the upgrade. For more information about how to re-create project alerts, see Incorporating Customizations from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh into Team Foundation Server RTM later in this document.




Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to the Release to Manufacturing Version (RTM) of Team Foundation Server 1

Introduction. 1

Changes to Team Foundation Server Between Beta 3 Refresh and RTM… 1

Contents. 3

Before You Start Your Upgrade. 5

Step 1: Verify That You Have Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh Installed. 5

Step 2: Connect Team Explorer to Your Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh Deployment 6

Step 3: Create New Projects on Team Foundation Server 6

Step 4: View and Add Work Items in the New Project 8

Step 5: Delete the Test Projects from Team Foundation Server 8

Step 6: Check In Any Customized Reports Into Source Control 9

Step 7: Close Visual Studio and Team Foundation Components. 9

Single Server Deployment 10

Step 1: Download the Upgrade Software and Run the TFSUpgrade Tool 10

Step 2: Uninstall Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh and Team Explorer 10

Step 3: Back Up Team Foundation Server Databases. 11

Step 4: Run the TFSUpgrade Tool 12

Step 5: Install the SQL Server Update From the Product Media. 12

Step 6: Verify that the SQL Server FullText Search Service is Started. 13

Step 7: Run the TFSUpgradeAT Tool to Update Windows SharePoint Server Database Names  13

Step 8: Install the ASP.NET Update From the Product Media. 14

Step 9: Install Team Foundation Server RTM… 14

Step 10: Update the Team Foundation Reporting Warehouse. 15

Step 11: Install Team Explorer 16

Step 12: Upgrade the Build Types for All Projects. 16

Step 13: Upload Default Reports for All Projects. 16

Dual Server Deployment 18

Step 1: Download the Upgrade Software and Run the TFSUpgrade Tool 18

Step 2: Uninstall Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh and Team Explorer 18

Step 3: Enable Network Traffic for SQL Server and Reporting Services Administration Between the Team Foundation Application Tier and the Team Foundation Data Tier in Dual-Server Installations. 19

Step 4: Back Up the Encryption Key for Reporting Services. 20

Step 5: Back up Team Foundation Server Databases. 21

Step 6: Run the TFSUpgrade Tool 22

Step 7: Run the TFSUpgradeAT Tool to Update Windows SharePoint Server Database Names  22

Step 8: Install SQL Report Server on the Team Foundation Application-Tier Server 23

Step 9: Install the SQL Server Update On the Team Foundation Data-Tier Server 24

Step 10: Verify that the SQL Server FullText Search Service is Started. 24

Step 11: Restore the Reporting Services Encryption Key from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh  25

Step 12: Delete the Reporting Services Application Pools From Internet Information Services (IIS) 27

Step 13: Install the ASP.NET Update From the Product Media. 27

Step 14: Remove SQL Report Server from the Team Foundation Data Tier Server 27

Step 15: Install Team Foundation Server RTM… 28

Step 16: Update the Team Foundation Reporting Warehouse. 30

Step 17: Install Team Explorer 31

Step 18: Upgrade the Build Types for All Projects. 31

Step 19: Upload New Default Reports for All Projects. 31

Updating Team Foundation Build Servers. 33

Step 1: Uninstall Team Foundation Build. 33

Step 2: Install Team Foundation Build. 33

Updating Team Foundation Server Proxy. 35

Step 1: Back up the Team Foundation Server Proxy Proxy.Config File. 35

Step 2: Uninstall Team Foundation Server Proxy. 35

Step 3: Install the ASP.NET Update From the Product Media. 35

Step 4: Install Team Foundation Server Proxy. 35

Step 5: Restore the Team Foundation Server Proxy Proxy.Config File. 36

Verifying the Success of Your Upgrade. 38

Connect Team Explorer to Team Foundation Server 38

Create New Projects on Team Foundation Server 38

Add a User or Group to a Project-Level Group. 40

Configure Permissions for Default Groups in Windows SharePoint Services and Reporting Services  41

View and Add Work Items in the New Project 41

Add a Solution to Source Control for the New Project 42

Run A Build On A Build Type and Verify Build Reports. 44

Incorporating Customizations from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh into Team Foundation Server RTM    46

Work Item Types. 46

Work Item Tracking Queries. 47

Project Alerts. 47

Reports. 47


Before You Start the Upgrade

Before you start to upgrade the Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh deployment to Team Foundation Server RTM, you should perform some maintenance and verification tasks to make sure that your current deployment is fully functional and ready for migration. Although these steps are not mandatory, taking the time to follow these steps will help reduce the potential for problems during migration.

Step 1: Verify That You Have Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh Installed

There are two different upgrade paths supported for Team Foundation Server RTM:

·         Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh to Team Foundation Server RTM.

·         Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Release Candidate (RC) to Team Foundation Server RTM.

These two upgrades have different guides and different steps. For this guide, you should make sure that you have Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh installed on the server.


To verify that you have Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh installed

1.      On the Team Foundation application-tier server, open the drive:%PROGRAMFILES%Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation ServerWeb ServicesServicesBin folder.

2.      Right-click the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.dll file and then click Properties.

3.      Click the Version tab and review the version number.

·         If the version number is 8.0.50727.43, you have Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh installed. Continue with the steps in this guide.

·         If the version number is 8.0.50727.127, you have Team Foundation Server RC installed. Do not continue with the steps in this guide. You must follow the steps in Upgrading from Team Foundation Server Release Candidate (RC) to the Release to Manufacturing Version (RTM) of Team Foundation Server (also included with the upgrade software) to upgrade from Team Foundation Server RC to Team Foundation Server RTM.

·         If the version number does not match either of the two numbers that were discussed earlier, you have another version of Team Foundation Server installed. Upgrade from this version to Team Foundation Server RTM is not supported. For more information, go to the Microsoft Web site (http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowForum.aspx?ForumID=68&SiteID=1).

Step 2: Connect Team Explorer to Your Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh Deployment

To make sure that your Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh deployment is available to Team Foundation clients, such as Team Explorer, connect Team Explorer to your current Team Foundation Server.


To connect to a Team Foundation Server

1.      Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

2.      On the Tools menu, click Connect to Team Foundation Server.

The Connect to Team Foundation Server dialog box appears.

3.      In the Connect to a Team Foundation Server list, select the Team Foundation Server you want to use.

4.      If any team projects exist on this Team Foundation Server, select the ones that you want to use.

5.      Click OK.

Step 3: Create New Projects on Team Foundation Server

After verifying that you can connect to your Team Foundation Server, create two new team projects, one using the MSF for Agile Software Development process template, and the other using the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement process template. After upgrade, there will be two new versions of these process templates available on your Team Foundation Server in addition to these older versions. Verifying that the old process templates work in the Project Creation Wizard before upgrading will help in troubleshooting any potential problems after migration.

Your custom process templates, if any, will also appear in the Project Creation Wizard process template list as usual. If you have custom process templates, you should also create a new project on your Team Foundation Server for each customized process template.


To create a team project

1.      Open Team Explorer.

2.      On the File menu, click New Team Project.

The New Team Project wizard appears.

Note   If you are not using the Project Management environment settings, on the File menu, point to New, and then click Team Project.

Note   If you have not connected to a Team Foundation Server, you will be prompted to connect to one now.

3.      Under What is the name of the team project? on the Specify the Team Project Settings page, type a name for the team project that team members can easily associate with the software product. This name is what all team members will use to connect to the team project.

4.      Under Which process template should be used to create the team project? on the Select a Process Template page, select a process template.

Team Explorer includes process templates based on the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF). By default, two process templates are available: MSF for Agile Software Development, and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement. Your team or organization might provide additional process templates. You can see a description for each process template by selecting the template and reading the text in The following describes the process template in more detail.

Note   If you want to use a process template that does not appear on the list, you must first upload the template to the Team Foundation Server.

5.      Complete the Specify the Setting for the Project Portal page:

·         What is the title of the team project portal?   If you want a project portal name different from the team project name, type a name that is easily identified by all team members. The site title is part of the home page of the project portal.

·         What is the description of the team project portal?   Enter a description for the project portal. The description is displayed on the home page of the project portal.

The project portal is a team Web site (using Windows SharePoint Services) that stores and versions team project-related documents.

6.      Complete the Specify Source Control Settings page by selecting one of three options, and then click Next:

·         You can select Create an empty source control folder. Specify a name for the folder.

·         You can select Create a new source control branch. Specify from which folder to branch.

·         Or you can select Do not create a source control branch at this point.

7.      On the Confirm Team Project Settings page, review the choices and values that you specified. If the information is correct, click Finish. Otherwise, click Previous to make changes.

The New Team Project wizard creates your new team project.

Note   It may take several minutes for the wizard to finish.

8.      On the Team Project Creation Status page, view the status messages and status bar that describes what the wizard is doing.

9.      On the Team Project Created page, select Launch the process guidance for more information about how to run the team project if you want to read more details about the work items, roles, activities, and other aspects of the team process.

10.  Click Close.

11.  The new team project displays in Team Explorer. If the wizard encounters a problem when it is creating the new team project, you will see an error message describing the problem and suggesting corrective action.

12.  Repeat these steps to create a test project using each process template you intend to use in production projects.

Step 4: View and Add Work Items in the New Project

By using the same administrative account you used to create the new projects, verify that you can view and create work items in the project.


To view work items for a project

1.      Open Team Explorer and connect to the Team Foundation Server, if you must.

2.      In the Explorer pane, expand each test project you created.

3.      In the Explorer pane, expand the Work Items folder, and verify that the Team Queries and My Queries folders exist.

4.      In the Explorer pane, expand the Team Queries folder, and double-click the All – All Work Items query.

5.      Verify that work items appear in the query results pane. Work items are automatically created with each new project.


To add work items for a project

1.      Open Team Explorer.

2.      On the Team menu, click Add Work Item, and then pick the work item type from the list.

Note   As you use Team Foundation, it automatically adds your most recently used work items to the top of the Team menu for easy access.

3.      Complete the work item form by filling in all required fields.

Required fields are indicated by yellow shading.

4.      On the File menu, click Save All to save the work item.

Step 5: Delete the Test Projects from Team Foundation Server

After you create and verify the new projects, delete the test projects from Team Foundation Server.


To delete a project from Team Foundation Server

1.      Open a Command Prompt window. To open a command prompt, click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.

2.      Change directories to the Team Foundation Server tools directory. By default, these tools are installed in drive:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies.

3.      At the command prompt, type the following, where projectname is the name of the Team Foundation Server project you want to delete and servername is the name of the Team Foundation Server:

TFSDeleteProject /Server:servername projectname

4.      Monitor the command prompt for any error messages when the command is running.

5.      Repeat these steps for every test project you want to remove.

Note   For more information about the TFSDeleteProject command, see the help for Team Foundation Server command-line utilities in Administering Team Foundation Server.

Step 6: Check In Any Customized Reports Into Source Control

Check in any customized reports that you might want to keep into source control. These reports will be backed up and available to you for modification after the upgrade is finished.

Note   Customized reports from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh will not work in Team Foundation Server RTM without manual customization. For more information, see the Incorporating Customizations from Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh into Team Foundation Server RTM section, later in this document.


To check in customized report files into source control

1.      Open Team Explorer.

2.      In the View menu, click Other Windows, and then select Source Control Explorer.

Note   Depending on your preference settings when you installed Team Explorer, Source Control Explorer might be on the same menu as Other Windows.

3.      In Source Control Explorer, click the solution where you want to add the report file.

4.      On the File menu, click Source control, and then select Add To Source Control.

The Add to Source Control dialog box is displayed.

5.      In the Exclude box, type the file name extensions that you do not want to have added. You can enter multiple file type extensions by using commas and wildcard characters; for example, *.pdb, *.obj, *.res.

6.      Click Add Files.

7.      In the Add to Source Control dialog box, locate and select the report file that you want to add to source control, and then click OK.

8.      In the Add to Source Control dialog box, click OK.

Step 7: Close Visual Studio and Team Foundation Components

Before you start the upgrade, make sure that you are not running Visual Studio or any Team Foundation components, such as Team Explorer, on the Team Foundation Server.

Single Server Deployment

Step 1: Download the Upgrade Software and Run the TFSUpgradeRTM Tool

The first step to upgrading your Team Foundation Server Beta 3 deployment to Team Foundation Server RTM is to download the upgrade software and resolve any potential upgrade conflicts.


To download the upgrade software and run the TFSUpgradeRTM tool to scan for any upgrade issues:

1.      Download the upgrade software from the Microsoft Web site (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=60341) or install it from the upgrade media.

2.      At the command prompt, change directories to the directory where you installed the upgrade software. To make sure that you have the correct directory, type dir at the command-line and make sure that the TFSUpgradeRTM.exe tool is listed.

Note   If you see the command TFSUpgrade.exe instead, you have a Release Candidate (RC) version of the Team Foundation Server software instead of the RTM version. Obtain a RTM version of the Team Foundation Server software, or if you want to upgrade to the RC version, know that the steps in this guide are not designed for the RC version and will differ slightly in some areas.

3.      Type the following at the command line, where servername is the name of your Team Foundation Server:

TFSUpgradeRTM.exe servername /verify

4.      When you are prompted to confirm if you want to run this command, click Yes.

5.      Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to resolve any reported issues.

Note   Depending on your configuration, you might see an error message that prompts you to run the witfields command-line utility. The witfields command-line utility is located by default in driveProgram FilesVisual Studio8Common7IDE on any computer where you have installed Team Explorer. For more information, see witfields in Administering Team Foundation Server.

Step 2: Uninstall Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh and Team Explorer

Use Add or Remove Programs to uninstall Team Foundation Server and Team Explorer on the Team Foundation Server.

Note   Depending on your configuration, you might not have Team Explorer installed on your Team Foundation Server. If it is installed, you must uninstall it.


To uninstall Team Foundation Server Beta 3 Refresh

1.      Click Start, click Settings, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.

2.      Select Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server.

3.      Click Change/Remove.

4.      In the setup dialog box, select Uninstall, and then click Next.

5.      Click OK on the confirmation dialog box.

6.      Click Finish when completed.


To uninstall Team Explorer

1.      Click Start, click Settings, click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.

2.      Select Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Explorer.

3.      Click Change/Remove.

4.      In the setup dialog box, select Uninstall, and then click Next.

5.      Click OK on the confirmation dialog box.

6.      Click Finish when completed.

Step 3: Back Up Team Foundation Server Databases

The procedure for backing up Team Foundation Server databases in Beta 3 Refresh differs from the procedure for backing up Team Foundation Server databases in Team Foundation Server RTM. The procedure for backing up Beta 3 Refresh databases is located online at http://blogs.msdn.com/vstsue/articles/500334.aspx. You should examine this document for any late-breaking changes.


If you have already created a backup maintenance plan, you can use the latest incremental and full backups for restoration. If not, follow the steps in this section to create a full backup of the following databases:

·         ReportServer

·         ReportServerTempDB

·         STS_Config

·         STS_servername_# (where servername is the name of the server and # is a number)

·         TfsActivityLogging

·         TfsBuild

·         TfsIntegration

·         TfsVersionControl

·         TfsWarehouse

·         TfsWorkItemTracking

·         TfsWorkItemTrackingAttachments


To create a full backup plan and run a full backup on a Team Foundation Server

1.      On the Team Foundation Server, open SQL Server Management Studio. To open SQL Server Management Studio, click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then click SQL Server Management Studio.

2.      Select Database Engine for the Server type. Select the appropriate server name and authentication scheme for the server. Provide a valid user name and password if it is required by your SQL Server, and then click Connect.

3.      Expand the Management node, right-click Maintenance Plans, and select Maintenance Plan Wizard.

4.      On the Maintenance Plan Wizard welcome page, click Next.

5.      On the Select a Target Server page, provide a name for this maintenance plan.

6.      Select the appropriate server and authentication scheme for your SQL Server. Provide a


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