Hyper-V Management + Delegated Administration + SCVMM

A while ago I blogged about how to allow non-administrators to control Hyper-V.  You do this by editing the Hyper-V authorization store.  What I failed to mention at that time was that this method does not work if you are using SCVMM to manage your Hyper-V servers.

When you start using SCVMM to manage a Hyper-V server, SCVMM creates their own authorization store to be used by Hyper-V.  As long as you only use SCVMM to manage your environment – this is fine.  But if you want to continue to use the Hyper-V management tools, and want to allow a non-administrator to control Hyper-V – you can do this.

All you need to do is to is follow the directions in my original post – but instead of editing “ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsHyper-VInitialStore.xml” on the system partition edit “ProgramDataMicrosoftVirtual Machine ManagerHyperVAuthStore.xml” on the system partition.

Then everything will work correctly.
