Controlling a virtual machine through PowerPoint

A very cool hidden feature of Virtual Server is that if you have it installed on your computer you can actually setup a PowerPoint presentation that allows you to directly control a virtual machine. Why would you want to do this? Imagine doing a presentation about an IT solution that you were developing - and then being able to demonstrate the solution seamlessly in the middle of your presentation. Cool...

To do this - create a PowerPoint slide and go the 'Insert' menu and select 'Object'. One of the objects should be the Microsoft Virtual Server VMRC Control. Once you have added this object you should open the properties and change the server and port settings, and anything else you want. It should be noted that the only way to actually test the configuration is to view the PowerPoint slide in SlideShow mode:

Controlling a virtual machine through PowerPoint

   Controlling a virtual machine through PowerPoint   Controlling a virtual machine through PowerPoint

For bonus points you can actually do basic control of the virtual machine by adding custom action buttons which can launch VBScripts that perform the desired action ('Slide show' --> 'Action buttons' --> 'custom' --> 'Run Program').
