Civilization - Call to Power under Virtual PC

Moving on in the series of Civilization games under Virtual PC - we arrive at 'Civilization - Call to Power'. For reasons that I do not wish to go into (but that you can find out about here: this is the only 'Civilization' game that has nothing to do with Sid Meier - the mastermind behind the original Civilization. And you can really tell it.

Civilization - Call to Power starts with the established civilization paradigm and then proceeds to absolutely destroy it. Firstly - the UI is irritating at best, at worst you will find yourself searching to perform the most basic actions under the game. Secondly - Activision decided to add a whole swarm of new units to Civilization - Call to Power, and while the units sound cool it is fairly obvious that absolutely no thought was given to maintaining balance and playability.

Civilization - Call to Power runs well under Virtual PC, which is fortunate as it will not run at all on my physical computer. For some reason this game will completely fail to start you have a multi-monitor setup (like I do). The only thing you need to do is to disable the mouse integration:

Civilization - Call to Power under Virtual PC

   Civilization - Call to Power under Virtual PC   Civilization - Call to Power under Virtual PC   Civilization - Call to Power under Virtual PC
