Alone in the Dark under Virtual PC

Released in 1993, Alone in the Dark is a classic thriller game - with a simple polygon based engine. You take the role of Edward Carnby or Emily Hartwood and investigate the death of Jeremy Hartwood. Upon entering his mansion you soon find out that it is haunted - and have to spend all your time battling off all sorts of ghouls and trying to find a way out alive. This game was amazingly innovative in its time - and is still quite gripping. It also runs perfectly under Virtual PC:Alone in the Dark under Virtual PC

   Alone in the Dark under Virtual PC   Alone in the Dark under Virtual PC   Alone in the Dark under Virtual PC

If you want to try a (very short) demo of Alone in the dark - you can download it from:

As a side note - while I was researching this post I found out that an 'Alone in the Dark' movie has just been released: - according to all the reviews it is quite terrible and nowhere near as good as the game.
