SharePoint SDKs Updated

4289AE77-4CBA-4A75-86F3-9FF96F68E491 Two updated software developer kits for SharePoint have been released that go along with the SP2 product updates for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0.

The SDKs include bug fixes and an updated editor for the "Microsoft Business Data Catalog." There’s also updates for you to customize federated search results, and seven new how-tos.

If you are only writing code that utilizes the Windows SharePoint Services platform, you can download the WSS SDK.  However, if you want the superset of all documentation and samples, you should install the MOSS SDK. Then you’ll get all the platform information as well.  You don’t need to download both, but you will need to uninstall all previous versions before installing.

For more information about the SDKs, see SharePoint SDK 1.5 (April 2009) Released.

Download the SDK and documents from these links:

MOSS SDK 1.5 SDK Documentation on MSDN
WSS SDK 1.5 SDK Documentation on MSDN

You can also update the Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint Services from Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, v1.3 - Mar 2009 CTP.  The extensions were updated on in March.

For more information about the SharePoint Service Pack 2, see SharePoint Server Service Pack Begins Groundwork for SharePoint 2010.