PDC Preconference Offers 11 Reasons To Come Early

The Professional Developer Conference (PDC) agenda will feature sessions on software modeling, agile development, cloud computing, Silverlight and a whole lot more. Information Week has a great article that pulls together the topics entitiled What to See at the Microsoft PDC.

So far 84 sessions have been announced covering topics from ADO.NET to the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). Other topics include ASP.Net, cloud services, Dynamics CRM, Entity Framework, Hyper-V virtualization technology, Internet Information Services (IIS), Internet Explorer, Languages, LINQ (Language Integrated Query), Oslo, Live Mesh and Silverlight. And there will be even more announced in the coming weeks.

And there's the preconference events that covers the major topics. For more information about those 11 reasons, see the Channel 9 video Countdown to PDC2008: Pre-cons.  The preconference includes from .Net data acess and advanced Windows debugging, agile development, multicore programming on Windows and .Net, and creating rich Internet applications with Silverlight.

Registration discounts end Friday. To register, see PDC 2008 Registration.