WPF Bag of Tricks

Kevin Moore (formerly a PM on the WPF team) published a really great set of utilities and demos he called the "WPF Bag of Tricks".  Despite my ongoing interest in WPF, I was unaware of where to find this up until recently, and in my own unscientific polling, many of the WPF enthusiasts amongst the ISVs I work with were unaware of it as well.

I'd like to help remedy that.

You can find the WPF Bag of Tricks up on https://j832.com/bagotricks. Therein, you'll find some nice general purpose and specialized samples suitable for reuse in your apps and complete with source code and the right to reuse it, including:

  • a handy calendar and date picker control
  • a nice graph (of the node and edge variety) explorer
  • a great demo of how to do interactive 3D using the new WPF 3.5 features
  • a whole bunch of other general goodness

 I hope Kevin will continue with this, but regardless, I think you'll benefit greatly from checking out what they make possible for WPF.