Updates coming to .NET 3.5 client

Scott Guthrie has updated our developer road map. In his blog entry, .NET 3.5 Client Roadmap, Scott describes the future of the .NET Framework for later this summer.

  • A new setup framework for .NET that will make it easier to build optimized setup packages for client applications.
  • A servicing update to the common language runtime (CLR) will make significant internal optimizations cut cut down disk IO on cold start scenarios and will improve memory layout when loading and running applications.
  • An update to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) includes a bunch of performance optimizations that improve its text, graphics, media and data stack.

Coming late in 2008:

  • New WPF controls are coming: Calendar/DatePicker, DataGrid and Ribbon, among others.
  • A release a servicing update of Visual Studio 2008 that includes a number of feature additions to its WPF designer.