PowerShell V2.0 CTP Available, but...

So, I'm one of those people that made a mad rush to the download the latest CTP of PowerShell v2 when it came out this week, but I was cautioned in advance and if you are interested, you should read this first as well:

The PowerShell V2 CTP is not for everyone. You should read this PowerShell Team blog entry ( https://blogs.msdn.com/powershell/archive/2007/11/02/ctp-watch-this-space.aspx ) to find out what it is and what it isn't and then make an informed decision before installing the CTP. 

Ok, so you've read it all, your not faint of heart and you are ready to build some scripts and automate systems? Download it here.  The key feature I'm excited about is PowerShell remoting, but as per the article above, you will need to be running Vista SP1 (beta) or Windows Server 2008 to realize this.